Unique Weapons
Format for DLC3 weapon parts
dlc3_gd_weap_UniqueParts.[Part Name]
Part Name Damage Mod Accuracy Mod Fire Rate Mod Tech Level Mod Recoil Reduction Extra Effect
CombatRifle.TedioreAvenger_Material -5% -15% - - - Slow ammo regeneration. 100% reload speed. "-B"
CombatRifle.TedioreAvenger_sight5 30% 150% - 5 - Add 8 rounds. +600% critical damage. -200% burst fire count. "AV"
CombatShotgun.barrel3_DahlJackal 700% 100% - -500 - Add 100% projectiles per shot. Fires a single grenade
CombatShotgun.DahlJackal_Material 5% -15% - - 40% 24% reload speed. " U"
EridanRifle.Cannon.barrel5_MegaCannon 50% - -100% - -
EridanRifle.ElementalRifle.barrel2_Fireball - - -50% - -
EridanRifle.ElementalRifle.barrel2_Firebomb - - -100% - -
MachinePistol.barrel4_VladofStalker 50% 50% - 1 -35% Add 30% clip size.
MachinePistol.VladofStalker_Material 10% -32% 56% - 40% "/V3"
RepeaterPistol.acc5_Shock_HyperionNemesis 25% 60% - 12 - "Shock"
RepeaterPistol.AthenasWisdom_Material - 70% - 1 70%
RepeaterPistol.barrel0_ChiquitoAmigo -25% - 100% 4 200% Add 250% clip size. "ChiquitoAmigo"
RepeaterPistol.barrel5_AthenasWisdom 20% 200% - - 50%
RepeaterPistol.HyperionNemesis_Material 10% 100% - 1 80% 30% reload speed. ".N"
RepeaterPistol.KnoxsGold_Material 20% - - 4 - Add 55% clip size. 35% reload speed. ".99"
RepeaterPistol.Material_ChiquitoAmigo_3 -5% -15% - - - 100% reload speed. "-B"
RevolverPistol.acc5_Heal_AtlasAries 30% - - 6 - Returns healing transfusion projectiles to user. "Shock". "Nemesis"
RevolverPistol.Material_Aries_3 20% - 5% 2 -11% Add 15% clip size.
RocketLauncher.barrel2_TorgueUndertaker 40% - 75% - - Add 6 rounds.
RocketLauncher.TorgueUndertaker_Material 30% -35% 16% - -54%
SemiAutoSniper.acc2_KyrosPower 30% - - 6 - Returns healing transfusion projectiles to user. "Explosive"
SemiAutoSniper.Material_KyrosPower_3 - - - - -
SMG.acc2_Typhoon - - 45% - 200% 53% reload speed. "Typhoon"
SMG.acc3_Maliwan_Tsunami 10% 100% - 12 - "Shock"
SMG.DahlTyphoon_Material 5% -15% - - 40% 24% reload speed. " U"
SMG.MaliwanTsunami_Material 10% 25% - 5 - 25% reload speed. " C"
SniperRifle.JakobsBessie_Material 25% 50% -50% - -28% " ZZ"
SniperRifle.sight4_Jakobs_Bessie 30% 10000% - - - Massive accuracy increase on zoom
SupportMachineGun.acc4_SandS_Serpens 15% 100% - 12 25% Add 80% clip size. "Corrosive". "Serpens"
SupportMachineGun.acc4_TheChopper - -200% 100% - -100% Add 500 rounds. Add 3 projectiles per shot. 200000% burst fire count. "The Chopper"
SupportMachineGun.AjaxSpear_Material 20% - 5% 2 -11% Add 15% clip size.
SupportMachineGun.barrel5_AjaxSpear 25% 130% - 4 200%
SupportMachineGun.Material_TheChopper_3 10% -32% 56% - 40% "/V3"
SupportMachineGun.SandSSerpens_Material 5% - - 1 - Add 42% clip size. -19% reload speed. ".2"
Title.TitleP_Atlas_Aries - - - - - "Aries" "Your Life Is Mine"
Title.TitleP_Dahl_Jackal - - - - - "Jackal" "This dog bites."
Title.TitleP_Hyperion_Nemesis - - - - - "Nemesis" "There is no escape"
Title.TitleP_Jakobs_Bessie - - - - - "Bessie" "That's my girl…"
Title.TitleP_Maliwan_Tsunami - - - - - "Tsunami" "Flee the wave"
Title.TitleP_SandS_Serpens - - - - - "Serpens" "Poison in your veins"
Title.TitleP_Tediore_Avenger - - - - - "Avenger" "Uncommon Power"
Title.TitleP_Torgue_Undertaker - - - - - "Undertaker" "Take 'em UNDER."
Title.TitleP_Vladof_Stalker - - - - - "Stalker" "You can run, but you can't hide."
Title.TitleU_Repeater_AthenasWisdom - - - - - "Athena's Wisdom" "War is the final option"
Title.TitleU_Repeater_ChiquitoAmigo - - - - - "Chiquito Amigo" "Say \"Hello\""
Title.TitleU_Repeater_KnoxsGold - - - - - "Knoxx's Gold" "Bling!"
Title.TitleU_SemiAutoSniper_KyrosPower - - - - - "Kyros' Power" "Good Touch"
Title.TitleU_SMG_Typhoon - - - - - "Typhoon" "Phooon!"
Title.TitleU_SupportMG_AjaxsSpear - - - - - "Ajax's Spear" "Useful for kicking Hector's bitch ass."
Title.TitleU_SupportMG_TheChopper - - - - - "The Chopper" "RAR! BRAR BRAR!"
Title_Eridan.dlc3_Eridan_Rifle - - - - - "Rifle" "Full of electric death"
Title_Eridan.dlc3_Fireball - - - - - "Fireball" "You'll need some bat guano…"
Title_Eridan.dlc3_Firebomb - - - - - "Firebomb" "Bad is Good, BABY!"
Title_Eridan.dlc3_Flaregun - - - - - "Flaregun" "Smoke on the water…"
Title_Eridan.dlc3_Globgun - - - - - "Glob Gun" "I think you have something on your shoe."
Title_Eridan.dlc3_RollingSpattergun - - - - - "Rolling Spatter Gun" "Splat! Sploch! Spluch!"
Title_Eridan.dlc3_Splatgun - - - - - "Splat Gun" "For when you want to splat something."
Title_Eridan.dlc3_StampedingSpattergun - - - - - "Stampeding Spatter Gun" "For when you want to splat the living shit out of something."
Title_Eridan.dlc3_SuperBlankMEGAHack - - - - -
Title_Eridan.Title_MegaCannon - - - - - "Mega Cannon" "01001111010011010100011001000111"
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