(How to) Pronounce – pronunciation learning

Learning English, German, French or Spanish?
Use (How to) Pronounce to learn the pronunciation of words and phrases you encounter.

Pronunciation dictionary

With (How to) Pronounce, you can easily check the pronunciation of a word or phrase and memorize it. You can also check how a native speaker of the language you are learning could say a word in your language.

Words commonly mispronounced

You can also use the app to learn a list of hand-picked words which are commonly mispronounced in English. If you want more content, the app offers a vote for future topics for which lists of difficult pronunciations are to be provided.

Learn pronunciation

Learning English, German, French or Spanish? Use (How to) Pronounce to learn the pronunciation of words and phrases you encounter. Just type in a word or phrase and hear it.

Pronunciation is important in language learning

For good comprehension, pronunciation is equally, if not more, important than grammar and vocabulary. Incorrect pronunciation of a word can entirely confuse the other person and/or block communication.
