FeltThat Earthquake version 2.5 is the premier earthquake information reader for your iPhone or iPod touch. This app makes it easy to focus on earthquake events that are most important to you:
  1. Microquakes as small as magnitude 1.0 in most U.S. regions within the past 7 days;

  2. Direct links to U.S. Geological Survey Shake Maps and NOAA tsunami warnings;

  3. Unlimited Nearby center point entries you choose from your Address Book or earlier events.

For iOS 7.0 or later.


Notes, Comments, Field Reports

Send bug reports, suggestions, or anything else you’d like to say about this program to me at:

Getting the Latest App Status Information. The best place for current app status or data download issues with the USGS is the iFeltThat News section inside the app. From any region list view, tap on the gear icon at the upper right corner; then tap on “iFeltThat News”.

Personalized Support. I provide you with a quick and personal response to your questions or comments when you send me an email message. You can do that from inside the app (via the gear icon and “Help” menu choice) or by sending a message to the address shown above. The more descriptive you can be with your concern, the more quickly we can reach a resolution. Please note that the App Store does not forward review comments or your address to app authors, so we can’t respond to you when you post issues in app reviews. Since you paid good money for this app, you might as well send an email to get actual help that can resolve your issue.

From the Archive. If you experience a crash upon launching the app, here are some things to try:

  1. Unlock your device and double-press the device’s Home button to view recently-run apps (they appear in a horizontally-scrolling panel showing app icons and small screenshots).

  2. Scroll to locate iFeltThat.

  3. Swipe the screenshot image upward, all the way to the top until the app disappears from the scrollable panel. This action “force quits” the app without deleting it or your settings.

  4. Press the device’s Home button twice to get back to the usual launch screen, and tap the iFeltThat icon to relaunch the app.

  5. If the above steps don’t work, (and as a last resort), delete the app from your device and reinstall from the App Store. The Store remembers your purchase and won’t charge you again for subsequent downloads.

Start with an overview of earthquake events from your choice of 24 regions around the globe. The customizable bottom bar has space for your top four favorite regions viewable with a single tap.

Lists show the most recent event from the last seven days at the top. Magnitude boxes are color coded — deeper shades mean higher magnitudes. Major events really catch your eye while you scroll the week’s event list.

The number of USGS “Did You Feel It?” reports lets you see how local citizens felt the tremor.

The “Nearby” region (shown at left) uses your device’s Location Services to display events closest to where you are. Tap to narrow the zone.

Earthquake Lists for 24 Regions

Rotate any list to view an interactive map of the region’s earthquakes. Use the sliders to control which event pins are shown based on magnitude and how recently they occurred. Pinch-zoom and drag the maps. Switch instantly between roadmap and satellite-hybrid map views.

Region Maps

Each earthquake event has a detail view displaying vital information, including how far and in what direction the event is from your location (or other center point of your choosing in the Nearby region).

Pinch-zoom or drag the map as you like. Optional one-touch zoom-in/zoom-out buttons (shown at left) allow easy one-handed action and keep the earthquake at the map’s center. Tap the globe icon to switch between roadmap and satellite-hybrid style maps.

To view other events in the same region, just tap the “Older” or “Newer” buttons at the top. With iFeltThat, you don’t have to navigate back and forth between detail and list views to go from one event detail to the next or previous event in the region.

Detail Views with Great Maps

Behind the scenes, iFeltThat checks whether a Shake Map is available for an event. If so, you will see a flag in the list view plus a special icon button in the event’s detail view. Tap the detail view icon to see the official USGS Shake Map web page for that event within iFeltThat.

Shake Maps are computer calculations that forecast how widely and how strongly a major event is likely to have been felt and what the potential damage is for the area. Each map includes a legend to help you interpret the visual data.

Because Shake Maps are presented as a web page, you can pinch/zoom the image to see more detail.

Direct Access to USGS Shake Maps

You also have direct access to NOAA tsunami warnings and USGS web pages. Not only do these web sites appear within iFeltThat, but you can rotate the displays to landscape (horizontal) orientation to make the pages easier to view and navigate.

Email earthquake details to family and friends without leaving the app. iFeltThat even includes a copy of the detail screen and map as an attachment to the email message. Recipients will see what you see.

Also, keep an eye on major events and aftershocks by turning an event’s location into a “Nearby” region center point.

More In-App Features

iFeltThat offers superior customization choices. Set minimum magnitude and default map zoom level independently for each region.

Then choose what distance units to display (miles or kilometers), and whether detail maps should include one-touch zoom buttons.

Built-in User Guides lead you through your choices.

Ultimate Customization

The “Nearby” region is where you add as many center points as you like. You don’t need to be a geography wizard to set center points. Focus on the people you care about, and choose them from your iPhone/iPod touch Address Book. iFeltThat looks up map coordinates from their addresses. Assign familiar labels (e.g., “Mom & Dad”) that will appear at the top of the “Nearby” region earthquake list.

Or set an existing earthquake as a “Nearby” center point to monitor activity in a suddenly seismically active area of the world. 

“Nearby” region earthquake lists display events of magnitude 1.0 or greater for U.S. areas and 4.5 or greater elsewhere.

Unlimited “Nearby” Center Points

iFeltThat Regions (Minimum Magnitudes)

Nearby (1.0 U.S. / 4.5 Elsewhere)

World (2.5 U.S. / 4.5 Elsewhere)

California-Nevada (1.0)

San Francisco (1.0)

Los Angeles (1.0)

Northwestern U.S. (1.0)

Seattle (1.0)

Hawaii (1.0)

Alaska (1.0)

Intermountain U.S. (1.0)

Central/Southeastern U.S. (1.0)

Northeastern U.S. (1.0)

Puerto Rico (1.0)

North America (2.5)

Western Hemisphere (4.5)

Eastern Hemisphere (4.5)

South America (4.5)

Europe (4.5)

Africa (4.5)

Asia (4.5)

Australia (4.5)

South Pacific (4.5)

Mount St. Helens, WA (1.0)

Yellowstone National Park (1.0)
