Wednesday, June 25, 2014

And here is an article which was released in the magazine Click dated May 1939. Again, thanks to The Bulletin, we know that the artists featured here are:

Morman Ferguson
T. Hee
Otto Englander
Bill Cottrell
Ted Sears
Wilfred Jackson
Bill Tytla
Mike Holoboff

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This article was released in the May 1939 issue of Redbook.

Thanks to a short piece released in the internal Studio newsletter The Bulletin dated April 7, 1939, we know that the artists and employees whose photos appear in the magazine are:

Campbell  Grant
Helen Ludwig
Dick Belcher
Paul Allen
Jack King
Ned Washington
Dick Rickard
Leigh Harline
Webb Smith
Al Perkins
Mary Weiser
Martharose Bode
Ted Sears
Sam Slyfield
Cliff Lamb

The key question now, of course is "Who's who?" Can you help?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Wonderful new blog discovered this weekend, linked to the early history of Disneyland and its main contractor, Arrow Development. Enjoy!

Friday, June 20, 2014

I have just received a copy of Charles Solomon's new book Once Upon a Dream: From Perrault's Sleeping Beauty to Disney's Maleficent. The text is highly readable and it is beautifully illustrated. Charles mentions that Sleeping Beauty is his favorite Disney movie and it shows.I especially enjoyed the chapter about the origins of the story.

There is nothing really brand new in this book in terms of sources or illustrations but the overall product is a very, very nice one and will really satisfy the casual Disney enthusiasts. It is a great gift and a book I like having on my shelves.

I also hope that one day Charles will consider writting an in-depth history about the making of the movie aimed at Disney scholars. One is allowed to dream :-) Until then, I will enjoy this volume, Bob Thomas' original Art of Animation and Pierre Lambert's artbook on "La Belle au Bois Dormant".

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I am looking for good photos of Disney model sheets. Not any model sheets though. The ones I am  posting today all have one thing in common: if you look at them closely you will see that they all contain some initials below the production numbers and the initials of Joe Grant.

JM (for John Miller) on the Lampwick one, the two of Peter Pan
MP (Martin Provensen) on the horse from Reluctant Dragon.
AH (Albert Hurter) on Dumbo
DR (Dick Rickard) for the other model sheet of the Reluctant Dragon

Do you have others? I am especially interested in those which would contain the initials JM (John Miller), JW (Johnny Walbridge), WS (Walt Scott), JB (James Bodrero), MP  (Matin Provensen), and other members of the Character Model Department.

Please email me at

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I just realised that More Cute Stories, Vol. 4: 1964/65 New York World's Fair has just been released. I love Rolly's stories and will get my copy today.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Quite a few treasures, as always, in Heritage Auctions latest Disney auction, including a few story drawings from Mickey's Service Station.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Great photo of Walt in Paris during the 1935 trip to Europe, recently uncoverd by the Disney Archives. I wish I had had access to it for Disney's Grand Tour. Oh well...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ferdinand Horvath's diaries

As some of you know, a month ago I had the opportunity of buying a very unique set of documents: the original diaries of Disney's concept artist Ferdinand Horvath. They cover his whole life and are a true treasure trove, which I will use (among other elements) as the basis for the chapter on Horvath in my upcoming book about Disney's concept artists. The diaries are mostly in German and are being translated by Hans Perk at the moment.

One of the entries I stumbled upon yesterday was in English. The entry for December 26, 1935 reads:

[Meeting with Walt and Bianca [Majolie], Conf. - Radio City Silly Symphony Ballet.]

I have a feeling they were discussing the abandoned Silly Symphony "Flower Ballet" but what I am wondering is why the mention of "Radio City"?

Any ideas?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

This just in from Dan Cunningham:

[I put up a short post for Donald Duck's 80th Birthday, with a focus on Clarence Nash. The body text is relatively basic information, but at the end there's a download link to a PDF I've compiled from a 1991 Filmfax magazine article with some very good posthumous stories and quotes from Nash. Here's the link.]

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Looking for Diana March

I am currently exploring the fascinating world of women in Disney's Story Department before WWII: Bianca Majolie, Dorothy Ann Blank, Grace Huntington, Kathleen Millay, Sylvia Holland, Ethel Kulsar, etc.

The Studio seems to have employed a writer in the late '30s called Diana March, who worked on the abandoned Don Quixote project. The only other thing I know about her (thanks to Arienne Tytla's autobiography) is that Diana married layout artist Art Heinemann.

Would anyone of you have anymore info about her? If so, could you email me at

Monday, June 09, 2014

One of the hardest exhibition catalogs to locate these days...

Friday, June 06, 2014

Coming soon for those of you who read Italian and who are interested in Disney comic artists.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Another great photo of Walt sold on ebay recently...

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Here is a book I am really looking forward to picking up this week. No illustrations, unfortunately, for obvious reasons, but the text is bound to be fascinating. Way to go David!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Walt again. In the mid-'30s this time.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

This just in from Jim Korkis:

[My newest book was just released today at Amazon. Who's The Leader of the Club?  Walt Disney's Leadership Lessons.  The print edition is available now and the Kindle edition will be paired with the print edition in a few days.  That's just Amazon's way.
My new book is different than any other book I have written.  It is a workbook on Walt Disney's approach to leadership.   There is a Walt quote (sometimes several) and a Walt story on every single page so it should satisfy the casual Disney fan.   However, you can tell this was written for a different demographic...the coach of a Little League team, the head of a P.T.A., the owner of a small business, the person in charge at a hospital, etc...with useful information.  I have purposely avoided technical jargon whenever possible so it is accessible to all.
Here's the Table of Contents
Who Was Walt Disney?
What Type of Leader was Walt?
Leaders and Managers:  Walt and Roy
Roy O. Disney and Manager Skills
Walt Disney and Leadership Skills
Lesson One:  Know The Story
Lesson Two:  Share The Story
Lesson Three:  Take a (Calculated) Risk
Lesson Four:  Make ‘Em Laugh
Lesson Five:  Eager To Learn
Lesson Six:  Understand People
Lesson Seven:  Live The Story (Integrity)
Walt’s Bad Leadership Traits
Walt’s Advice to Leaders
Create Leaders
Letting People Go
Walt and Money
Do You Know Your Story?
Remembering Walt’s Leadership  (Quotes from those who worked for Walt)
Final Words from Walt  (Quotes from Walt not previously used in the book)
Recommended Reading
Quotation Sources (which runs ten pages of teeny type so I had no room for a planned index)
Each of the lesson chapters ends with a one page checklist called “What Would Walt Do?” summarizing the key points in the lesson and a space to write notes.
This was one of the hardest books I have ever written but it is also one that I am proudest to say I have written.
Here are some comments from business oriented folks who also happen to be Disney fans. 
Mark David Jones, President of Small World Alliance, Inc. and co-author of Lead With Your Customer: Transform Culture and Brand into World-Class Excellence.
"As a former Disney leader whose career there spanned 26 years, I am very fortunate to have worked with Jim Korkis.  His unrivaled knowledge of Disney history was a consistent highlight of our projects with Fortune 500 companies such as PricewaterhouseCoopers.  Jim’s transformational insights of Disney history and leadership are brilliantly captured within the pages of this intriguing book.  I’m buying copies for everyone on my team.  And if you want to optimize your leadership potential, I highly recommend you doing the same."
Henry Hardt, Professor of Business Law and Professor of Finance,
Harold Walter Siebens School of Business, Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, Iowa
“Jim weaves an entertaining story of Walt’s leadership principles into seven lessons. Although each lesson merits the attention of any serious business or organizational leader, I would highlight Lesson Seven, ‘Live the Story’.  In this lesson, Jim reaches deep into his seemingly never-ending bag of Disney information to set forth Walt’s approach to ethics and integrity.
“Until you have the great pleasure to hear Jim speak in person (Jim’s passion about Disney and his oratorical skills spellbind all audiences including our students at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa as well as business and organizational leaders.), I am confident the readers of Jim’s book will likewise be entertained by the story narrative that only Jim can tell. At the same time, they will be able to immediately apply Walt’s ‘best practices’ to their businesses or organizations to help achieve their goals—with integrity.”
Lou J. Repassy,  Former Senior Sales Manager, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts
"Our department called on the services of Jim Korkis for specialized client seminars.  With his vast knowledge of Disney heritage and tradition, Jim was always able to effectively include those elements to complement the business needs of the programs.  In the pages of this book are the same passion, insight and good humor that made Jim a very valuable internal business partner."
Kaye Bundey, Disney Institute Manager of Disney Adult Discoveries programs and Convention Workshops
“Jim's knowledge and insight of Walt and all things Disney enhanced and enriched all our offerings at the Disney Institute including introducing elements of Disney history into the business programs.  This book captures Jim's skill on how to make something both entertaining and informative and should be on your bookshelf.”
David Zanolla, Senior Associate Faculty, Western Illinois University
“Jim Korkis' expertise in the field of Disney studies is beyond compare and I am thrilled that he continues to share his knowledge in books like Who’s the Leader of the Club?  My students thoroughly enjoyed their time with him and it greatly enhanced their understanding of both Walt himself and the Disney Company.”
William Dixon, Adjunct Professor, Rosen College of Hospitality Management 
"Over the years that Jim Korkis lectured to my classes at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, he was always an engaging and informative speaker.  He understood not only Disney history but the Disney business.  My students always rated his presentations as one of the highpoints of the class." I hope that this book will prove to be an informative workbook of Walt’s leadership philosophy as well as an entertaining glimpse into a different perspective of his life.  
I hope that Walt’s words and actions will inspire a new generation just as he inspired so many others in the past.   I hope you will consider adding this new, but very different, Disney book to your collection and letting others know that it exists.]

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Great piece of art by Fred Spencer being sold at the moment on Animation Art Gallery (Thanks to Dan Cunningham for the heads up).

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Great photo of Walt sold recently on ebay.

Monday, May 26, 2014

If I had to make a list of the Disney historians I look up to, John Canemaker would be at the very top of the list, along with just a handful of others.

I never thought he could top books like Before the Animation Begins or Paper Dreams, but I was wrong: The Lost Notebook: Herman Schultheis & the Secrets of Walt Disney's Movie Magic is John's best book to date, a true masterpiece. The text, as always, is meticulously researched and written with absolute clarity and depth. But what stunned me is that in the first half of the book, about 80% of the illustrations used (and probably even more) have never been seen before. The book is very heavily illustrated and the second half showcases what I believe is the complete notebook.

The key message is a very simple one: If you only buy one Disney history book this year, this is the one you should get!

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The blog will be updated again around May 26.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

This just in from Gunnar Andreassen:

[Here's another magazine cover with WD - this time a Swedish one from 1953, Teknikens Värld (The World of Technics).]

Monday, May 05, 2014

This just in, from Garry Apgar.

Friday, May 02, 2014

Great article unearthed by Joe Campana recently. The last paragraph is of special interest. 

Thursday, May 01, 2014

This extremely rare magazine from September 1935 was sold on ebay this weekend. It was way too expensive for me, unfortunately. If you are a reader of this blog and picked it up, could you please email me at:

I just heard from my co-author Alain Littaye who mentions that he has a few copies of the book Disneyland Paris - From Sketch To Reality for sale during the month of May at the special price of 60 Euros + 15 Euros postage.

You can pay via Paypal and you can contact Alain at

For more info about the book, check:

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It is a real pleasure to announce the release of the long-awaited Walt's People - Volume 14! This is an extremely strong volume. Probably the strongest to date.

Here is the table of contents:

Foreword: Todd James Pierce

Bob Thomas: Carman Maxwell
Mark Mayerson: Dick Lundy
Leonard Maltin: Dick Lundy
Leonard Maltin: Phil Klein
Leonard Maltin: Zack Schwartz
John Culhane: Ray Patterson
Didier Ghez: Marge Champion
John Canemaker: Joe Grant
Dave Smith: Bob Jones
Jim Korkis & Didier Ghez: Bob Baker
Vincent Randle: A Life Rendering: The Unrealized Art of Richmond “Dick” Kelsey
David Culbert: Eric Knight at Disney
The Holling C. Holling letters
John Culhane: Bill Justice
John Culhane: Irvin Graham
Michael Broggie: Lillian Disney
Alberto Becattini: Carson Van Osten
George Sherman: Bruce Bushman
George Sherman: Bob Mattey
Dave Smith: Chris Mueller
John G. West: Arthur Vitarelli
Charles Solomon: Alice Davis
Didier Ghez: Lucile Bosché
Harry Wessel: Joe Fowler
Didier Ghez: Eddie Sotto

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Here is a new book released by Theme Park Press which might interest some of us. I will review it when I get a copy. In the meantime, here is what the publisher had to say about it:


Guests at Disney's Hollywood Studios become the stars in a theme park experience like no other. In this behind-the-camera book, you’ll find out how Disney does it, and how you can use the same techniques to bring some show biz into your biz, with your customers the stars.

_Stories from the Studios_

Former Disney University executive J. Jeff Kober shares little-known stories behind dozens of park attractions, restaurants, and shops, and teaches you how to use Disney's peerless storytelling and customer service secrets to take your life and your business to new heights.

From the "ugly ducklings" of Min and Bill's Dockside Diner (and how to turn your own weaknesses into strengths) to Toy Story Midway Mania (and how to prevent "mania" from undermining your success), Kober takes you on a tour of Disney's Hollywood Studios that will change how you view the park - and how you view your own life, both personal and professional.

_Putting on the Show_

"Disney's Hollywood Studios: From Show Biz to Your Biz" is the only book devoted entirely to the Hollywood Studios theme park, with over forty chapters of park history, Disney trivia, and business best practices, including:

- How the experience starts in the parking lot

- A tale of two movie moguls: Walt Disney vs Louis B. Mayer

- The valuable lessons of "merchantainment"

- Adventures in partnership with George Lucas, Jim Henson, and Aerosmith

- How Disney turns mundane minutes into Magical Moments

- Hidden secrets of the Tower of Terror, and how Disney exceeded even its own standards

Get your business ready for *its* close-up!]

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Kindle version of Walt's People - Volume 1 is now available. Its price is only $0.99! For those of you who have yet to check out the Walt's People book series, this is your opportunity to do so.

This just in:

[The Disneyland Resort diversity group is flying Jim Korkis out to Anaheim to do a presentation on Asian-Pacific heritage and the many connections to Disney.  The presentation is for Disney cast members and will be held 5:30pm on Wednesday May 21 at the Sequoia Ballroom of the Grand Californian Hotel.   Contact Jeff L. Chang if you are eligible to attend and are interested]
The Disney Books Network was updated over the weekend.

Friday, April 25, 2014

This just in from Disney archivist Ed Ovalle about the photo I posted on March 3, 2014.

[The group of French journalists visited the Walt Disney Studio and met Walt on February 14, 1945.

There were eight journalists in the group which Walt met:

Mme. Etiennette Benichon
Mme. D'Ardene de Tizac
Jean-Paul Sartre
Stephane Pizella
Pierre Denoyer
Louis Lombard
Robert Wischner
Joseph Antonorsi

According to an IOC from Jack Cutting to Walt, the O.W.I.'s main purpose in having the journalists tour the country was to get them to do a series of articles on "America at War".  During their visit to the studio, they were shown numerous samples of the Army and Navy training films, C.I.A.A. Health films and were very enthusiastic about them.

One of the journalists told Walt how Léon Bancal was put in jail by the Germans because of the implications in his first Mickey Mouse article. I assume they were talking about, "Au Revoir, Mickey" which appeared on Oct. 1, 1942, in Le Petit Marseillais. They asked that Walt honor Léon Bancal  by making a drawing of Mickey on a reprint of the article and Mme. Benichon asked if Walt could send a brief greeting addressed to the children of France.]

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Beautiful photo of Walt seen on recently.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

This just in:

[I thought you might be interested to know that Swann Auction Galleries in New York will offer a charming Disney poster at its Modernist Posters auction on April 24.

The poster is one of the few early Disney posters with a prominent cross-marketing pitch – in this case, Pepsi was an official sponsor of Disneyland from opening day, 1955, through 1990.  (Lot 142, $700 - $1,000).]

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

While looking for information about Ethel Kulsar and Gyo Fujikawa, I stumbled about this 1941 article from the LA Times, which I believe a few of you will enjoy.

Monday, April 21, 2014

As promised, Walt's People - Volume 1 has just been re-released by Theme Park Press. No new content, but the formatting is much nicer and the few annoying typos are gone. A very, very cheap Kindle version should be available soon.

Friday, April 18, 2014

I have just received my review copy of Charles Solomon's book about The Art of Disney Golden Books. This beautiful book is all that I expected: the text is a little bit too light for my tastes (for an in-depth history of the Golden Books, pick up Leonard Marcus' seminal volume, Golden Legacy: How Golden Books Won Children's Hearts, Changed Publishing Forever, and Became An American Icon Along the Way), but the nonetheless very well-written text is not why the book exists. Its heart is clearly the artwork, which is reproduced beautifully and which you have never seen this way before.

From my standpoint, the pieces of art by Bianca Majolie for the Surprise Package book and the illustrations by Mary Blair justify in themselves owning this beautiful volume.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Found online recently by my good friend Sebastien Durand.

Garry Apgar mentions that the likely date of the exhibition are December 1945 to January-February 1946.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Found recently on the internet: Actress Thelma Todd and Kay Kamen.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This photo was posted a few months ago on the Disney History Institute's Facebook page. Unfortunately Paul F. Anderson is unable to locate the magazine it originally came from. Would anyone happen to have seen that photo at some point? If so, would you be willing to send me a high resolution scan?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Disney-history-wise and popular-culture-wise, the release of this long-awaited book at the end of the year should be a major landmark. Can't wait.

By the way, for those of you who did not notice, Michael Barrier has started posting on his blog again.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

This just in from Paul F. Anderson:


I have received so many requests the last few months on POV, that my son and I went in search of some (where they were last seen here at DHI). As luck would have it, we found about a half a case or less of each of the last four issues. These are basically straight from the printer, never removed (as mint as mint can be). So I am offering them first here to the Institute faithful (posting in the middle of the night to give everyone an equal chance--only thing I could think of). I am going to hold about four issues of each to put in the DHI Store over on our website (they will be priced higher than those being offered here). I have found a few from time to time in the past and have put them up in the DHI Store where they typically sell right away (I’ve had #9 up there for a few months at $45, but since the store has not been updated for some time, it has gone unnoticed).

For those who are not familiar, Persistence of Vision was a historical journal celebrating the creative legacy of Walt Disney. Published irregularly (to say the least) in the 1990s, it is considered by most the best Disney history publication ever. (I might be a bit biased.) I was the publisher and editor and wrote a lot of the articles.

These people had this to say about POV: Diane Disney Miller: “I am really impressed with POV. You have caught much of my dad’s spirit.” Disney Legend Ken Anderson: “I’m proud to be involved with this. It’s the best!” Lucille Ryman Carroll (Herbie’s Sister): “I do indeed enjoy POV--as soon as it arrives, I have to read it from cover to cover.” To name just a few.
I will take requests in the order they come in (determined by date and time).

 I prefer PM (message) through Facebook. it is easiest to keep track of time order. You can email me directly at povpfa [at] me [dot] com too. PLEASE be patient as I go through the requests, as some will want certain issues and not others, and I want to keep a close count on inventory, so I don’t disappoint anyone.

I prefer Paypal and will send an Invoice (I’ll need your email). Visa, MC, Amex, Check, or Money Order, too. U.S. POSTAGE is $9.95 for PRIORITY MAIL (any number of issues) or $5.00 for MEDIA MAIL (any number of issues). STRICT LIMIT OF ONE OF EACH ISSUE PER PERSON (PLEASE!! My intention to offer these below their market value is to allow folks to get them, I don’t want someone buying up all of one issue and reselling them, so no dealer orders. If you have family members, I will be happy to do that, but within reason please.) FOREIGN POSTAGE will be quoted to you. Sadly, the USPS has limited how we can send heavy materials, these all weigh over First Class International Rates, so we are left with International Priority Mail (typically around $20 or more depending on location). Sorry.

I WILL LIST ISSUES AND PRICES FIRST (Contents of each issue at the end of this post.)

***POV #6/7 THE WORLD’S FAIR ISSUE (144 Pages!) (See Full Contents Below). Famed Imagineer David Mumford called this issue “the single greatest Disney history piece ever written!” Probably the most in demand issue. There have been two issues for sale on Ebay the last three months (sold for $45 and $56). Currently on Ebay at $66.87. (Ebay issues were “used”.) COST: $35.00

***POV #8 TONY BAXTER TRIBUTE (100 Pages), Disneyland Monorail, Donald Duck, More. (See Full Contents Below). Only one issue on Ebay the last three months (sold for $20). Currently on Ebay at $66.87. COST: $30.00

***POV #9 HAUNTED MANSION ISSUE, (100 Pages) (See Full Contents Below). Only one on Ebay in the last three months, did not sell for $20 (not sure how that slipped through, bad time of year and poor description ... I would have bought it). Currently on Ebay at $66.87 COST: $30 (It is listed in the DHI store at $45, and I have sold a few.)

***POV #10 WALT DISNEY AND THE CIRCUS (100 Pages), Spin and Marty, Disneyland, more (See Full Contents Below). No recent issues on Ebay (however far back my Ebay search goes). Currently on Ebay at $66.87. COST: $25.00

***BUY ALL FOUR ($120)

GOOD LUCK. Feel free to email me with any questions. Anybody who has any comments about POV and the quality of the publication, I appreciate. Thank you.

**********CONTENTS OF ALL FOUR ISSUES***********
*****CONTENTS #6/7 (144 pages)*****
-WALT’S WORLD (Short anecdotes, stories, images, humor, cartoons, Walt (and other old-timers) quotes, and much more. All about Walt Disney’s creative legacy.
-SOME GREAT CARICATURES IN DISNEY HISTORY by renowned former Disney artist, Peter Emslie.
-THE BRIAR PATCH Gossip, rumors, and news about current Disney projects. (The only thing dated in this issue.)
-VINTAGE NOTES: Disney and His Competitors 1930s
-WDW: THE EARLY YEARS By first-year cast member, Paul Smith. “Life in the Haunted Mansion.”
-OUT OF THE INKWELL Letters and responses
-A CHAP CHATS WITH CAPS Disney Animation
-VICARIOUS EXPERIENCES On the Disneyland LPs (Record Albums)
-RECOLLECTIONS OF A FRIENDSHIP By Herbert Ryman (nice story!)
-A GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW (150,000 Words, the definitive piece on Walt Disney and the 1964 New York World’s Fair ... what Imagineer David Mumford called, “The single greatest Disney history piece ever written!”
-1964 NYWF
-The Ford Motor Company
-General Electric
-Illinois “Land of Lincoln” Pavilion
-It’s a Small World
-Highway in the Sky: Potential Derailed (Monorail)
-Up and Running: The Fair and Beyond
-Disney and New York: Lessons and Legacies
-Thanks and Endnotes
-HI-HO, COME TO THE FAIR Extensive history of the Disney music for the Fair and its creation. (By master musician and historian Alex Rannie!)
*****CONTENTS #8 (100 pages)*****
-WALT’S WORLD (Short anecdotes, stories, images, humor, cartoons, Walt (and other old-timers) quotes, and much more. All about Walt Disney’s creative legacy.
-MOAT POINTS Disney Underwear Through the Ages (Seriously! VERY Funny article.)
-THE BRIAR PATCH Gossip, rumors, and news about current Disney projects. (The only thing dated in this issue.)
-WDW: THE EARLY YEARS By first-year cast member, Paul Smith. The Costumed Characters.
-OUT OF THE INKWELL Letters and responses
-AN ANIMATED LIFE: The Story of Jack Hannah by Jim Korkis
-Hannah and the Disney Comic Books
-Lost Donald Duck Cartoon
-Story Behind the Story of Pirate Gold (Barks)
-Lost Story Meeting Notes for Donald’s Stratosphere
-Jack Hannah: A Personal Memory
-Hannah in His Own Words
-Hannah Filmography
-DISNEY KING OF SELF CENSORSHIP A listing of all cartoons, their cuts and edits and information on them. Invaluable resource!
-TONY BAXTER: WORLD-WIDE IMAGINEER (Including Four Pages of color, with WED Art, and Photos of Tony during his career)
-WHO’S THE LEADER OF THE CLUB ... ? Jimmie Dodd and the Mickey Mouse Club
*****CONTENTS #9 (100 pages)*****
-Walt’s World (Short anecdotes, stories, images, humor, cartoons, Walt (and other old-timers) quotes, and much more. All about Walt Disney’s creative legacy.
-MOAT POINTS This issue about Disney Film Exploitation.
-SOME GREAT CARICATURES IN DISNEY HISTORY by renowned former Disney artist, Peter Emslie.
-THE BRIAR PATCH Gossip, rumors, and news about current Disney projects. (The only thing dated in this issue.)
-WDW: THE EARLY YEARS By first-year cast member, Paul Smith. “Life in the Haunted Mansion.”
-OUT OF THE INKWELL Letters and responses
-BE SURE YOU’RE RIGHT: THEN GO AHEAD The Early Disney Westerns
-HAUNTING MELODY The Story Behind Buddy Baker’s Score for the Haunted Mansion. Includes FOUR Color Pages of Imagineering Art (three pages) and behind-the-scenes images (one page).
-WALT DISNEY’S LOST MASTERPIECE: The Strange History of Bedknobs and Broomsticks
*****CONTENTS #10 (100 pages)*****
-WALT’S WORLD (Short anecdotes, stories, images, humor, cartoons, Walt (and other old-timers) quotes, and much more. All about Walt Disney’s creative legacy.
-MOUSE TRACKS by Randy Thornton. Walt Disney Records
-THE BRIAR PATCH Gossip, rumors, and news about current Disney projects. (The only thing dated in this issue.)
-OUT OF THE INKWELL Letters and responses
-A CONCEPT VISION OF THE NEW TOMORROWLAND by Disneyland CM Ray Haller (30 plus years, great artist)
-THE DISNEY CIRCUS WAGONS (Disneyland, Toby Tyler)
-SPIN AND MARTY by Dave Smith
Good luck.]

Friday, April 04, 2014

Would any of you happen to have a copy of this fanzine from 1971? It contains three pages libked to Albert Hurter but I have no idea how interesting they are.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

The blog will updated again on April 14.

Two upcoming books which could be of interest to some of you (thanks to David Peake for the heads up: The Art of Big Hero 6 and The Art of Planes.
Jake Friedman just posted two fantastic videos from Art Babbitt's archives here and here.


Tuesday, April 01, 2014

I received a few weeks ago a digital review copy of the book by John Frost Dispatch from Disneyland. This is a really nice collection of rather poetic essays linked to John's visits to the park. It is well written and for those of you who are looking for an oniric reflection about the Happiest Place on Earth it is a good read.

This is not Disney history at all though.
