Monday, May 21, 2007

Domain Name Transfer HE Double Toothpicks

Well my new provider is trying to transfer my domain name and the old provider put the name on hold. I have gone back and forth with the old provider and the new provider. I hope it is figured out today...but I am not holding my breath. Ahh, the joys of technological bureacracy!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Technical Difficulties- Please Stand By

I am currently switching over a lot of stuff and hope to be back online soon. So just sit in your car with your hands and fee in your car and the attraction will start operating shortly.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I have been Dugg

Hello All- the blog Digg has discovered my site and posted the link to the Monorail SOP I put up months ago. The resultant traffic has caused my website where all the photos are stored to crash and my isp provider to try a work around. Sorry the images are not showing isp provider is working on it. Thanks.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Souvenir Friday- Candy Palace Candy Box

One of the nicest and unusually designed candy boxes is this one pound container. Designed to simulate one of the towers of Sleeping Beauty Castle with the added design of Tinkerbell. The roof comes off to allow access to the candy. The opposite side has the same graphic and the other sides are simulated brick work. Printed by one of the major souvenir book and postcard companies of the time H.S. Crocker Company. The box is approximately 12 inches in height. It makes a great display piece.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Overhead View for Gorillas Don't Blog Post of 5/09/07

A post in response to a backwards or not question on Gorillas Don't Blog post on the big river.

Sleeping Beauty Castle July 1955

Before the photographer walked into Fantasyland, he or she spent some time taking snapshots of the Sleeping Beauty Castle. In 1955 it appears that swans were all the rage as I have a couple different photos from different people focusing on the swans. You would think they would take photos of things not seen before such as the Phantom Boats or even the Rocket to the Moon, but no they focus on the swans in the castle moat.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Indian Village Frontierland July 1955

The photographer then took the short hike to the original Indian Village on the banks of the Rivers of America and snapped a bunch of photos. I think my favorite is the first one with the Indian Dancers taking a break from the sun under the shade in the background. I also like the picture of the horses in the corral. Somehow the village was believable in the middle of Southern California.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Frontierland Attractions July 1955

After visiting the stage coach, the photographer then traveled to the Frontierland Railroad Station. This is the original station when it was in use, not plopped across the track to serve as a set piece. The conductor is wearing his hat, but no hat badge. I like the kids playing the part of pioneers wearing their cowboy hats.

The next image is of the stately Mark Twain at dock. A very nice moody shot with the Twain on a very empty river.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Disneyland Stage Coach at Load Area July 1955

Continuing into Frontierland, the photographer then snapped this image of the Disneyland Stage Coach arriving at the load area. I believe the cast member in the foreground is performing the signal to stop, either that or he is very concerned if his bow tie is straight or crooked.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Davy Crockett Frontier Museum Frontierland 1955

Moving from the jungles of Adventureland to the frontier town setting of Frontierland. The Davy Crockett Frontier Museum was put together quickly to capitalize on the Davy Crockett craze. The inside of the museum was a recreation of the Alamo. Kids could purchase Davy Crockett merchandise at the individual shops. Also in the musuem was a display of rifles and Bowie knives. The major focal point was the two wax figures of Davy and Georgie that a kid could have their picture with. By the way, I think the girl in the center is mimicing the b'ar that Davy killed (or making fun of her friend on crutches.) It is making her companions laugh pretty good.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Adventureland Structures July 1955

The first image is of the native hut on the Jungle Cruise. I do not believe this structure lasted long and was definitely not photographed often. I do like the giant sea shells on the hut. However, is the architecture African or Polynesian. It seems like a mix of the two. In the background is the famous Schweitzer Falls, named for Dr. Albert Falls. (Sorry...couldn't resist a little Jungle Cruise humor.)

The second image is one of the shops at the Adventureland Bazaar. It appears to be the Hawaiian shop with bright Hawaiian casual shirts hanging up on the edge of the roof. This is the only shot in the batch in which a family member appears. The rest are general scenic shots or with crowds. Up in the left hand corner is the Harper Goff window, but I cannot read if it is already painted to Harper. It does have the tattoo and banjo playing statement so it probably does.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Souvenir Friday- Tinkerbell Salad Tongs

A pair of plastic salad tongs with great Disneyland and Tinkerbell graphics on the handles. The decals are dated 1955. The tongs appeared to have been used. They may have seen many a swank party, serving up the mixture of greens or even a nice Caesar Salad! Usually when I find souvenir items that are spoons or other serving pieces, they are unused, probably brought back by friends and gifted, never to be used...

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Jungle River Cruise Adventureland July 1955

The next land the photographer visited on July 22, 1955 was Adventureland. During the first years of operation for Disneyland, the Jungle River Cruise was one of the big rides. This ride has the same popularity that Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean has today. It was definitely a different attraction from other amusement park rides.

One of the Jungle River launches as seen from the loading dock.

The Cambodian temple shrine that the jungle is taking back.

Smiley the crocodile looking for a hand out. In the early years the live narration focused on the educational and nature commentary. However the spiel changed and became more humorous, especially after Marc Davis sketched some scenes that were then incorporated into the ride.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Main Street Cinema July 1955

Once upon a time, the Main Street cinema showed true silent films, not just Mickey Mouse all the time on every screen. The star on the marquee was the first screen cowboy and wore a very white hat. William Surrey Hart was born in 1864 in New York, lived in the Dakota Territory, worked as a postal clerk and then studied acting and appeared on Broadway. In 1914 he filmed his first movie His Hour of Manhood. He starred in many films until his career fizzled in 1925 and retired to his ranch in Newhall. Upon his death in 1946, the ranch was deeded to the city of Los Angeles and is now the William S. Hart park.

Some things of interest in the photo are the neat banners advertising 6 simultaneous films, the columns advertise the Dance of Fatima as one of the films and to the left of the left column is a Disneyland News newspaper rack.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Main Street Entrance to Plaza Pavilion Restaurant July 1955

This is the Main Street entrance to the Plaza Pavilion. In 1955 if you wanted to eat here, you would enter through this entrance and then suddenly be in a tropical setting with Hawaiian food, tropical theming and overlooking the Jungle Cruise. The building was victorian on the Main Street side and tropical on the Adventureland side. The building was eventually made into two restaurants, the Plaza Pavilion and the Tahitian Terrace. Today both restaurants are gone. This building is now used for a pin trading location, Disney timeshare sales spot and a decorate your own cookie space. But in 1955 it was a very happening restaurant.
