How To Enable CXML Support

CXML is data exchange format for so-called "faceted view". It can be displayed by programs like Microsoft Pivot.

For best results, the result of the query should contain links to images associated with described data and follow some rules, described in the User's Guide.

This feature is supported by combination of four components:

  1. The Virtuoso Universal Server (Virtuoso Open Source does not contain some required functions)
  2. The ImageMagick plugin (version 0.6 or newer) and optionally the QRcode plugin
  3. The QRcode plugin (version 0.1 or newer)
  4. The sparql_cxml VAD package (which in turn requires the "RDF mappers" package)

As soon as all these components are installed, the SPARQL web service endpoint will add the "CXML" option to the list of available formats.

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