Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Anyone else think the word filter is too strict?
every time i try to talk to people i get censored.
I'm generally polite, but apparently ''kill you'' is censored
and so is 'try hard'
so at the moment if i want to say they tried hard but i killed them i have to type

''I am the killer of you and you tried at a hard level''
it's so insanely strict that people thought i was swearing at them when i said 'kill you'

you read that correctly, i *wasn't* swearing at them or being rude, but because 'kill you' is censored it came up as '' #### ### ''

What is this madness. the entity is more insane with freedom of speech than the british government.
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Epik99 26 Apr, 2022 @ 2:49pm 
Well you ####, it's not #### and in my ######## I think that the ###### is absolutely ########. As you can ######, it tends to ###### and I think that ###### should ###### and #####. We'd be ##### without ##, ######.
Lord Knightmarez 26 Apr, 2022 @ 2:51pm 
oh yes dbd is a really #### game and i've played it for years because ####### players is fun
Lord Knightmarez 26 Apr, 2022 @ 2:51pm 
Lord Knightmarez 26 Apr, 2022 @ 2:52pm 
did a pretty #### job
Last edited by Lord Knightmarez; 26 Apr, 2022 @ 2:52pm
Trauma Loop (Banned) 26 Apr, 2022 @ 6:55pm 
Originally posted by Lord Knightmarez:
every time i try to talk to people i get censored.
I'm generally polite, but apparently ''kill you'' is censored
and so is 'try hard'
so at the moment if i want to say they tried hard but i killed them i have to type

''I am the killer of you and you tried at a hard level''
it's so insanely strict that people thought i was swearing at them when i said 'kill you'

you read that correctly, i *wasn't* swearing at them or being rude, but because 'kill you' is censored it came up as '' #### ### ''

What is this madness. the entity is more insane with freedom of speech than the british government.
Yes the word filter is very strict but don't expect it to change anytime soon.
N1x0n's B4ck (Banned) 26 Apr, 2022 @ 6:56pm 
Their chat censoring sucks. It's literally worse than Roblox's censoring. Idk why I can't cuss or talk about killing in a game that has cuss words and killing. The only thing it should censor is slurs.
Snagz 27 Apr, 2022 @ 12:35am 
Yeah well, the censored thing is ######### ###### ### ################# #### ##### #################### ##################### ################## # ########## #### ############## and that's how you win every game as killer.
Null Winter (Banned) 27 Apr, 2022 @ 3:43am 
Originally posted by German_Snagz.TTV:
Yeah well, the censored thing is ######### ###### ### ################# #### ##### #################### ##################### ################## # ########## #### ############## and that's how you win every game as killer.

Wow, you managed to get the word ♡♡♡♡♡♡ through, for once.
Lord Knightmarez 27 Apr, 2022 @ 11:22am

" I've been 'round for a long time
And I learned along the way:
If you wanna go on the radio
There are words you just can't say!
Well, I thought hard about it
And I found a way around it

To help me go on the radio, you gotta say the words I can't.
You got to sing along to make this song
The dirtiest song that ain't.
Come on, ma'am, won't you give me your hand
And say the words I can't?
You got to sing along to make this song
The dirtiest song that ain't

Down in Carolina
I met a girl with a nice ###
So I reached down between us
And I whipped out my #####
Skipped right past the suckin'
And got right down to ######
She turned and said: "I gotta ask,
Would you slip it into my #####?"

Help me go on the radio and say the words I can't.
You got to sing along to make this song
The dirtiest song that ain't.
Come on, ma'am, won't you give me your hand
And say the words I can't?
You got to sing along to make this song
The dirtiest song that ain't

Her husband was a trucker
He was a filthy mother ######
I didn't wanna wrastle
With this no-good stinkin' ######
I heard him come through the kitchen door
When I was bangin' his filthy #####
I knew I'd end up in a ditch
If he caught me ridin' his #####

Help me go on the radio and say the words I can't.
You got to sing along to make this song
The dirtiest song that ain't.
Come on, man, won't you give me your hand
And say the words I can't?
You got to sing along to make this song
The dirtiest song that ain't

"Mercy, please!" I told him,
But he grabbed me by the ######
And he did something heinous
He exposed his ####
I said "I don't mean to seem crass,
But why are you buttering up your ###?"
He said "My wife's a beard, and she lured you here.
'Cause I'm queer and I love it in the ####"

You helped me go on the radio by saying the words I can't.
You have to sing along to make this song
The dirtiest song that ain't.
Sir and ma'am, thanks for lending a hand.
By saying the words I can't.
You have to sing along to make this song
The dirtiest song,
The filthiest song,
The dirtiest song that ain't. "
Lord Knightmarez 27 Apr, 2022 @ 1:44pm 
Dev's, please give us the option to turn it off, and collect statistics on how many people don't want it always on?

I feel like if someone turns the censor filter off, they know they consented to what happens next.
Lord Knightmarez 1 May, 2022 @ 12:18pm 
'in real life' is now ## #### ####
Hardie 1 May, 2022 @ 12:43pm 
try typing the survivor names, they often get censored too.
Lord Knightmarez 1 May, 2022 @ 1:47pm 
'franklin's' demise isn't censored
but 'franks' is ######
Boon: Bong Rip 2 May, 2022 @ 8:33am 
#### ##### ##### cheeseburger ###### ####? # ### ##### ### bingus ##########

Yeah, the fact in game terms are censored but things like "♥♥♥" aren't if you space it out is annoying as hell
Lord Knightmarez 3 May, 2022 @ 11:38am 
I just want the ability to turn the damn thing off.
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Date Posted: 26 Apr, 2022 @ 2:47pm
Posts: 15