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Posted: 6 Jan @ 5:52am

This game and Neon Drive were made by the same company. It feels like Neon Drive was a proto type for what this game, 80's Night, would be come.

This is still barely a game though, but is still a big improvement over Neon Drive.

So what's the objective of this game? you hold W to drive straight, you use A and D to turn left and right to change lanes and avoid hitting other cars. You keep driving as to get points. that's it.
you get achievements based on points.

In order to get said achievements, you have to quit the game. so if you do go from 0 to 5000 in one setting, you will get every single achievement in the game at the same time. Making it look like you used SAM or something like that, so be aware.

Anyways, so how is this game different from Neon Drive?

Both have 4 lanes of traffic, however in Neon Drive, the right lane is always empty so you can just stay there and keep going. In 80s Night, all 4 lanes have traffic so it's already an improvement there making it you actually have to play'
In Neon Drive, there's no auto straighten. so you're constantly tapping A and D to try to stay in the lane you're in till you change. but they improved that in this game. once you finish turning, you automatically straighten out going forward, very good!
This game has achievements where Neon Drive does not.
There does seem to be more progression to actually work for in Neon Drive, as you earn money by driving and can buy different cars. I never earned enough to buy one as the game was too boring for me to play more than a few minutes with no achievements to go for.
80s Night isn't much better but at least there's achievements to work for. I played it long enough to get them all, and that's it.

this is barely a game, good for shutting your mind off for a bit to just passively drive with reflexes as you listen to a podcast to get achievements.
Neither this nor Neon Drive have music.
If you just want an easy driving game you can get a bunch of Letter achievements for, play this for about 20 minutes and you're good. Don't bother with Neon Drive.

this one is hardly worth it either.
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