ΦΩΤΗΣ / FOTIS   Greece

Currently In-Game
Ballistic Mini Golf
Artwork Showcase
18 9 2
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
:krstar: 2 years / Dec 1st / 222 Steam level / 2000 games
:krstar: 2 years / Apr 14th / 222 Steam level / 3000 games
:krstar: 3 years / Dec 20th / 270 Steam level / 4000 games
:EX: 3 years / Jun 13th / 295 Steam level / 5000 games
:EX: 3 years / Dec 21th / 313 Steam level / 6000 games
:EX: 4 years / Jul 7th / 377 Steam level / 7000 games
:EX: 5 years / Oct 8th / 377 Steam level / 7777 games
:kmstar: 5 years / Oct 28th / 377 Steam level / 8000 games [ 10/28 @10:28 ]
:kmstar: 5 years / Feb 19th / 435 Steam level / 9000 games
:starite: 5 years / May 23rd / 435 Steam level / 10000 games
:premiumtoken: 5 years / Aug 11th / 435 Steam level / 11000 games
:lovestar: 6 years / Aug 26th / 435 Steam level / 11111 games

I hate all kind of barriers imposed on humans.

Magic numbers reached:
- 48000+ items
- hexagon badge :xp:
- 29000+ Cards :cardback:
- 40000+ Wishlist Items :starus:
- 15000+ trades on Steam :trade:
- 770+ trades on ST :trade:
- 53000+ Market Transactions :shoppingspree:
- $3300+ CV on SG :gift: :giftbox:
- 11000+ hours on Recent Gaming Activity :HangingController:
- Info Box limit reached :whine:

:A: :bbbb: :carbon: :TheD: :mmep_e: :fluorine: :gallara: :hydrogen: :iiii: :sax: :kudos: :hiss: :scorpio: :nitrogen: :oooo: :P: :bee: :2014pick: :silverdollar: :htt: :lcrown: :SFvictory: :wh: :crossx: :Y: :NZA2_Zed:
:alkat: :blastshot: :choke: :deadlyd: :ered: :Flame_Shot_Weapon_Item: :gmod: :hyperion: :poweron: :DOOR: :comick: :lp3l: :corporatebranding: :sr4: :stopO: :lp3p: :DOOR: :rdlogo: :sgsurvivor: :agathacross: :s3khukuri: :fox: :warband: :csgox: :DOOR: :BigZee:
:abc: :csgob: :Cheap: :welder: :FreebieE: :fraud: :gnomoria: :htpts: :kairo: :DOOR: :DOOR: :lasershot: :mmep_m: :NletterNKOA: :p2orange: :mmep_p: :DOOR: :rred: :knightcross: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :Multi: :DOOR: :zzzz:
:arkham: :barreloffun: :DOOR: :odpgradeD: :FreebieE2: :explodeshot: :boldg: :zgbunny: :icemen: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :mrlogo: :DOOR: :p2blue: :pforpunch: :DOOR: :replay_icon: :ShotGun_Weapon_Item: :crucifix: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :zeds:
:awesome: :blastshot: :DOOR: :DOOR: :FreebieE3: :DOOR: :DOOR: :Heavy_Machine_Gun_Weapon_Item: :timeperiod: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :mirrorshot: :DOOR: :portal: :plex: :DOOR: :DOOR: :sforslash: :tyger: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DNA: :DOOR: :DOOR:
:supersadface: :FreebieB: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :milky: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :mllrM: :DOOR: :DOOR: :pwrup: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :XMen: :DOOR: :DOOR:
:awe: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :influence: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :mirrorshot: :DOOR: :DOOR: :power_main: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :axesword: :DOOR: :DOOR:
:DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :FreebieI: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :magma: :DOOR: :p2aperture: :power_sub: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :bndage: :DOOR: :DOOR:
:DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :oxygen: :powerup: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :xbone: :DOOR: :DOOR:
:DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :poweroff: :Pressured: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :vvoid: :DOOR: :DOOR:

:theta: :sparta: :elementsigma: :sotavirtue: :markofinfinity: :elementomega: :omega:

:dice1: :dice2: :dice3: :dice4: :dice5: :dice6: :DOOR: :8: :DOOR: :zero: :DOOR: :bit_zombie: :eleven: :twelve: :fortytwo: :47: :fifty: :doublenickels: :pa69: :ninetynine: :99: :99s: :111: :500years500: :DOOR: :moebius: :bittripvoid:
:01: :02: :03: :04: :05: :06: :07: :08: :09: :00:
:_1_: :_2_: :_3_: :_4_: :_5_: :_6_: :_7_: :_8_: :_9_: :_Zero_:
:tr1: :tr2: :tr3: :tr4: :tr5: :tr6: :tr7: :tr8: :tr9: :tr0:
:unity: :2: :deadly3: :4: :five: :6: :DOOR: :DOOR: :DOOR: :deadly0: :supersync:
:scorepoint: :hyspherical:
:tenrow_first: :tenrow_second: :tenrow_third: :tenrow_fourth: :tenrow_fifth:
:NumLineOne: :NumTwo: :NumThree: :NumberFour:
:negative1: :num2: :num3: :num4: :num5: :num6:
:Finger: :Finger2: :lp33: :sr4: :elchu:
:numberone: :gemini:

:wingL: :wingR: :onlyleft: :prism: :up: :go: :JustGo: :gtfo: :TOspeed: :ATDO: :arrowup: :arrowleft: :bphere: :tap: :plat2pointer: :tmsArrow: :vleft: :vflip: :vright: :FlyingTent: :BirdsPeak: :EasyPlatforms: :fpequal: :DOOR:

:yellowbeat: :beatpaddle: :core: :bittripcore: :insincere_health: :and: :asterisk: :colon: :soundplus: :redlaser: :clue: :wotm8: :heyu: :shaaard: :attention: :wa: :surprised: :retro_questionMark: :bluequestion: :Qmark:
:ATWT: :ATTA: :bpquest: :logiimpact: :crossx: :exclaim: :TryAgain: :DOOR:

:ABS: :oneup: :bye: :boss: :coretext: :Ego: :exar: :gameover: :GIGA: :hi: :helium: :Id: :ins: :me: :mega: :ouch: :pin: :qq: :question: :Qmark: :Remember: :root: :ssl: :woo: :xp: :exp: :wtf: :exclamation: :DOOR:

:silverdollar: :sell: :dollars: :Dosh: :cashsplash: :gold: :goldbars: :goldpiece: :riches: :tenbucks: :Currency: :money: :pjcoin: :tinycoin: :Koin: :RogueMoneybags: :penny: :coindlc: :goldpiece: :badgercoin: :aethercoin: :DOOR:

:Mdynamic: :DD: :ADynamic: :YY:

:gearthumbsup: :gearthumbsdown:

:GoldenA: :GoldenP: :GoldenR: :GoldenM:
:justM: :justO: :justN: :justS: :just_T: :justI:

Emotional Emoticons Collections
- The Latest
:hashtag: :tfcu: :cupup: :cupdown: :BBcheckmark: :pineapple: :bb: :partylips: :pff: :bigkiss: :RCRun: :hightrophy: :quit: :blue_one: :pink_one: :Hatfall_Poop: :Tired: :i_notsure: :cgoldkey: :tobinfo: :tobplus: :monor: :pffMe: :stnc_warning: :BearLove: :_Peace_: :_War_: :lis: :ccrgoldkey: :up_vote: :kitexmark: :santa_emo: ::rarecrown: :gaylord: :t39trophy: :beautykiss: :pinkneonstar: :matris: :white_penta: :colores: :bluedonut: :redo: :ListRing: :purpleblobbie: :Naah: :txsweat: :txdoh: :hicubic: :jointhecult: :greenled: :redled: :dnaoflove: :ringlight: :faster: :impossislow: :corsairs: :babybottle: :catkin: :fins: :goldencup: :rwd: :ffwd: ::arrowleft: :arrowright: :arrowup: :krosfist: :betalord: :labyrinthfaith: :ty3star: :spdup: :triplecentury: :endless: :hintarrow: :smilie: :thehappy: :pengyball: :BLACK_CUBE: :BLACK_SPIKE: :bluetile: :valentine: :cloudawe: :zombiecat: :simplepinkheart: :caveblazersheart: :ArrowUpSkibidi: :smileBKZ: :mehBKZ: :inside: :zeds: :star_player: :surprisedstar: :teamenemy: :Persistence: :heartbubbles: :unsatisfied_customer: :prepare_your_wallet: :stom_marker: :stom_hotspot: :circletile: :temlove: :tsr_darkside: :zbrick: :jbrick: :sbrick: :heavypill: :dizzy: :Skillz: :stein: :logihand: :JuHappy: :butno: :turbox:

- Pokka
:pinkpokka: :ppokka: :rpokka: :ypokka: :gpokka:

- Hearts
:rainbowlove: :mehearty: :colonylove: :RCHeart: :skillhealth: :heavyheart: :rem_5: :kittybrokenheart: :mm_love: :rainbowlove: :Big_Heart: :heard: :romance: :commonheart: :Cerberus814: :heart_emo: :em_heart: :HappyBeydo: :fod2heart: :jhheart: :Hearty: :esc_heart: :heart_me: :heartg: :heartp: :heartpr: :heartb: :heartgr: :aritanasheart: :LoveTalia: :HPBoot: :call_soulmate: :iloveu: :scheart: :goolove: :Heartyou: :heartet: :slugheart: :Loving: :rheartr: :heartmm2: :heartmm5: :enemyheart: :heartris: :optikaheart: :PulseG: :b3d_love: :BR_heart: :ss23: :luf: :heartx: :charmspell: :mfsaver: :PlatonicLove: :heartdecoration: :orangeheart: :e3big: :cyanheart: :pulstarlife: :cure: :g_heart: :hearter: :coeur: :nekoheart: :BUDlove: :skheart: :pinkheart: :guheart: :soundheart: :lovebubble: :oheart: :akaneheart: :heartlove: :toglove: :extralife: :cchearts: :hearticon: :lovew: :pjheart: :8bitheart: :heart: :spirallove: :charm: :bigheart: :healthvial: :possession: :ZombieHeart: :ripperheart: :mug: :trunks: :akanepow: :skillhealth: :crimsonheart: :Invincible: :heartbreak: :BleedH: :trueheart: :PainH: :loveyou: :lovelace: :Heartful: :heartblue: :heartred: :heartgold: :lovepatch99: :Loving: :vs_heart: :call_soulmate:
:HPBoot: :esc_heart:

- Flowers
:alpen: :grcflower: :pinkflower: :redflower: :rosebud: :blooming: :bflower: :gflower: :TheFlower: :fleur: :redrose: :whiterose: :bud: :fprose: :LotusFlower: :blacklotus: :fleur: :henchix: :potplant: :rosepink: :orangelily: :shrub: :al_flower:

- Stars
:psystar: :cjstar: :dwDancingStars: :bluestar: :OverStar: :psystar: :starfish: :cjstar: :kmstar: :stars: :star: :avoidstar: :sider: :starfull: :sheriffsbadge: :ninjastar: :krstar: :first_star: :fullstars: :RedStar: :F1gold: :asterisk: :starite: :starus: :RedStar: :alliedstar: :csgostar: :mrlogo: :SidMeiersAcePatrolMissionLeader: :SidMeiersAcePatrolSquadLeader: :PacificSkiesSquadLeader: :planet: :moon: :comet: :galaxy: :throwingstar: :ShurikenStar: :5Star: :irspace3: :redplanet: :USstar: :lovestar: :fsstar: :LittleRedStar: :LittleGreenStar: :al_star: :sstar:

- Time
:clocktime: :F1time: :time: :avoidtime: :ggeclock: :clock: :zztime: :clockwork: :actime: :cooldown: :twtimer: :wvwait: :hourglass: :avoidtime: :pocketwatch: :stopwatchpcm: :timer: :alarm: :phoenixclock: :retro_hourglass:

- Happy
:loveeyessmiley: :i_laugh: :WTL_Cat_Smile: :tta_smile_very_happy: :genki: :loveeyessmiley: :golden: :hoot: :OrangeSurprise: :salute: :csdsmile: :mirrorsmile: :bigGrin: :yay: :happy: :bigsmile: :happymeat: :beatmeat: :ygold: :trophy: :flol_cup: :goldcup: :racetrophy: :TrophyCup: :excite: :smile: :goldsmile: :D: :B1: :grinsam: :sbhappy: :ghsmile: :ghlol: :halo: :lol: :trolol: :shlam: :happyfish: :happyBUD: :kissyou:

- Out-Of-This-World
:pff: :aliensship: :summerufo: :ILoveYou: :spacemonster: :spaceduck: :strblue: :Redalien: :Greenalien: :alien2: :alienlogo: :TheBureauAlien: :hydra: :avoidghost: :mrghost: :itsgrimm: :sleepingspirit: :roflspirit: :sneakingspirit:

- Animals
:fishluck: :Wordy: :mrcat: :butterfly: :penguinsrock: :heff: :hiss: :snake: :vulture: :larry: :mrbree: :mrsbree: :littlebree: :bbtcat: :bear: :boar: :porkpopper: :ratcoon: :bbtraccoon: :bbtduckshark: :kingb: :slime: :fireslime: :meowric: :agathalion: :blueduck: :spaceduck: :ducky: :fly: :chokeychicken: :rooster: :chicken: :alwayschicken: :whitesheep: :Sheep: :flol_cow: :giraffe: :whiterabbit: :deadrat: :spacepony: :NZA2_Eagle: :Dog: :tinypig: :frog: :rana: :TheShark: :bluebird: :mkcat: :yeti: :pet: :squidcat: :Deer:

- Faces
:trolling: :DeadMeat: :OhNo: :whine: :nay: :meatytears: :sad: :frown: :spaztears: :speechless: :jelly: :toughluck: :gloomy: :Fuzzy: :csdmad: :cloon: :Original_Assassin: :InvisibleFace: :krskull: :dallas: :hoxton: :chains: :wolf: :pixlotno: :pixlotderp: :pixlotbleeding: :blocky: :zombie: :commando: :miner: :goggles: :wasted: :security: :MajorNinja: :President: :notime: :TR: :NC: :VS1: :guard: :chef: :prisoner: :noo: :worker: :spycon: :MajorNinja: :hammerhead: :Asleep: :bradface: :chairman: :lorwyn: :nicolas: :ellie: :player: :SFSteve: :pentak: :behind: :HappyMask: :UnhappyMask: :spacefacehappy: :kid: :thekid: :chairman: :magicone:

- Block
:akinBlue: :akinOrange: :akinGrey: :akinDouble: :akinTeleport:

- Black
:hidden_s: :blackmetal: :gokey: :second_take:

- Eyes
:NoVision: :eyesee: :evileye: :woot: :cu: :look: :greateye: :bullseye: :eyeterror: :mceye: :bobeyes: :saltytears: :demoneye: :foresee: :4eyes: :eyesee: :ghosteye: :yikes: :DealersEye: :zeye: :wormeye:

- Hands
:bigups: :noway: :Upvoter: :Downvoter: :approve: :disapprove: :thumbs: :slow: :grabby: :Finger: :Finger2: :fistbumpright: :fistbumpleft: :rebellion: :HeroesFist: :rockfist: :logihand: :fistbump: :poc: :pow: :maxpower: :power: :grab: :punch: :use: :Glove: :bloody: :handprint: :mchand: :hello: :guacfist: :Hands: :interact: :skhand: :wave:

- Dangerous
:bolt: :blitz: :toxic: :danger: :eshock: :critical: :tsunami: :TheShark: :spy: :alert: :electro: :bsod: :Poison: :venom: :Panic: :Pain: :assassination: :oil: :nucleicacid: :co2: :ice: :flol_whirl: :BadBeans: :deadlyspikes: :catpesticide: :comet: :bleach: :greenslime: :meltdown: :banana:

- Wife
:takemewithyou: :blablabla: :proposal: :onering: :Rings: :ouch: :danceshoe: :whitedress: :greydress: :blackdress: :shoppingspree: :fashion:

- Magic
:orangegel: :bluegel: :RedMagic: :BlueMagic: :WhiteMagic: :BlackMa
Recent Activity
120 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
1,153 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
1,155 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
brake 25 Dec, 2020 @ 1:54pm 
  :laurus: ¸,·´`)                                         :Speech_Alert::Speech_Love::Speech_Musical:
   :2015holly::secretgift: 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 :HappyPugmas::BFteddybear::dwayneelf:
✡INDIE_FANN✡ 25 Dec, 2020 @ 5:31am 
* .  * .'  * ★ *  '*   *
*  . '   +:..:+   '  '  *
.   *  ☆☆☆ *   .
  *  ' +:.....+...:+  *
'    ' ☆☆☆☆☆☆   * '  
 * * ' +:...:+@+:...:+  '  *
* .  .☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  ' * .
  .  +:..:+&+:...:+:...:+
 * . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ '   *
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   . *      .   .  '
  ,·´ ¸,·´`)
 (¸,·´ (¸*𝑀𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈! :redjewel::cleancake:
Genicode 24 Dec, 2020 @ 5:11pm 
May this Christmas bring smiles at your doorstep joy in your heart and love and togetherness of friends and family in your home! Stay safe all the time! :)
FOX|BLOODLINE ✅ 24 Dec, 2020 @ 12:02pm 
* .  * .' * ★ *  '*   *
*  . '  +:..:+   '  '  *
.   *  ☆☆☆ *   .
  *  ' +:...+....:+  *
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 * * ' +:...:+@+:...:+    '  *
* .  .☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ * ' * .
  .  +:..:+&+:...:+:...:+
 * . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ * '   *
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 .     . ▨   ' ' *     *
   . *      .   .  '
  ,·´ ¸,·´`)
 (¸,·´ (¸*.𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼
Proteas 24 Dec, 2020 @ 7:43am 
* .  * .'  * ★ *  '*   *
*  . '   +:..:+   '  '  *
.   *  ☆☆☆ *   .
  *  ' +:.....+...:+  *
'    ' ☆☆☆☆☆☆   * '  
 * * ' +:...:+@+:...:+  '  *
* .  .☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  ' * .
  .  +:..:+&+:...:+:...:+
 * . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ '   *
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 .     . ▨   ' ' *     *
   . *      .   .  '
  ,·´ ¸,·´`)
 (¸,·´ (¸*𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔
shawl 19 Dec, 2020 @ 3:02am 
* ^ SIGNED . BY + TOOTH ! . * </3