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16 people found this review helpful
269.2 hrs on record
!!Awesome game and one that is loved so much by the devs it shows!!
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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2.4 hrs on record
I really do like playing through a good FMV game and Wales Interactive (This one is also by Dead Pixel Productions and Good Gate Media) usually don't disappoint in the slightest and I really did have high hopes for this one scratching that itch but trust me when I say that even though this one has it's moments (And there are some stand out ones throughout.......I really did like the introduction of the animated cut scenes) it is their weakest and by far most disappointing FMV game to date sadly!!

"Mia and the Dragon Princess"


To say I feel let down by this release is an understatement to say the least as the game is far too short (I have already found three out of the possible four endings with very little effort and actual time racked up playing the game),it really doesn't gel together in the story department (what should have been a great Pirate adventure inspired story is told way too quickly and at some points just doesn't make sense at all with the player at times trying to fill in gaps that shouldn't be there) and all in all feels rushed as if too get the game out to meet its release deadline/date!!

"Paul McGann proving once again that his time as Doctor Who should have been longer"


The acting throughout is as good as ever (Especially Paul McGann's performance as the main villain but nothing for me though beats the actors who portrayed Poe and Monroe.....Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard respectively) and the music featured throughout was good and did it's job.........the fight scenes though really were a stand out moment for me but it would seem that,that is where most of the focus and effort went on for this release instead of where some should have gone in telling us a more cohesive story!!

"Shame that this FMV game from Wales Interactive seems to focus more on the action than the actual story........OH WELL!!"


So would I recommend this one then to any fans of Wales Interactive's FMV style of game play and story telling??
Well that's a tricky one.......let me explain!!
With this game its both a yes and a no...........more "NO" though than "YES" sadly..........but being as the game is somewhere in the middle of these two it was only fair to give the game a thumbs up as there is no middle ground on this issue when it comes to reviewing games on STEAM!!
So "YES" if you can get it on sale and "YES" if your'e in a rush to play a new FMV type game as it still is enjoyable but Wales Interactive have done better...........but "NO" if you have other FMV games to play as there are better ones out there to take up both your time and your hard earned cash!!
Posted 21 May, 2023. Last edited 21 May, 2023.
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20.2 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
"Blood must be offered and spilled..............for only then will the truth be revealed!!"

I have always loved the "METROID-VANIA" genre ever since I first played "Castlevania Symphony Of The Night" and what a game that was.................no game has (In my opinion) ever come up to that games level of excellence or brilliant level design but some have come close...........is this one of those that has??
Well yes and no sadly!!

!!Thank God this is one creature you will not have to face........now breath a sigh of relief!!


The game is brilliantly designed and the rate at which you gain new items and abilities (which you can then use to access new areas of the map or get hidden gear which was previously out of reach ECT) is well paced,the enemies (especially the BOSSES) are also well designed and if you aren't careful any can kick your ass in an instant,the music featured through out is good and is well suited to the game (I love the "HEAVY METAL" inspired music which features at certain points) and the game looks great with the graphics being top notch.............what then is the issue??

!!One of the games many amazing and well paced BOSS battles!!


Well the story sadly as,as with a lot of new games the lore,background information and actual story itself is featured in game for you to discover by finding notes,through item descriptions and what the people you meet have to say to you but not everything is there that all of it actually makes cohesive sense sadly!!
Its good but just lacks that certain "WHAM-BAM-THANK-YOU-MAM" that makes it really awesome or truly memorable!!

Do I recommend this game then??

!!The game does a great job at setting the mood of a world broken and lost!!


Well yes as its one hell of a good "METROID-VANIA" inspired game but just know that whilst it does really well at what it sets out to do it also at the same time (for me anyway) lets itself down ever so slightly with its plot progression and story telling!!
So one that if you love "METROID-VANIA" type games you will enjoy but just go into it knowing that you may feel a little short changed when it comes to knowing and finding out all the games story and history!!

"You really don't remember who you are do you??...............you will learn...............YOU WILL LEARNNNNNNNNN!!"
Posted 5 April, 2023. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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20 people found this review helpful
79.1 hrs on record (51.4 hrs at review time)
"Praise be to the moon of blood................ALL HAIL THE BLOOD MOON!!"


So sometimes you come across a game that just grabs hold of you by the scruff of the neck and just doesn't let go and this is one such game!!
Addictive and just seems to add more and more to it's self every time you play and unlock new game modes and items!!
Now looking at it you may think "Look at those graphics.........not impressed by those" but as I have said many times in the past "Great Graphics Do Not Always A Great Game Make" and this is one game that really personifies that quote and belief!!


And to be honest the developer who made this game also made Boneraiser Minions which is another game that just like this took me completely by surprise with just how good it was and how much content the game actually had!!
So would I recommend this one then??


"You are our only hope child and only you can stop him and end this cycle of...........DREAD!!"

(!!One of my favourite moments was trying to help the Old Fart escape his predicament..........you'll just have to play it to see what I mean..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!)
Posted 2 April, 2023. Last edited 2 April, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
All i can say is this - "Have half on hour to spare do yourself a favour and watch KUNG FURY you wont regret it!!!!!!!!!"
Funny,action packed and a total P--- take of all things 80s,and thats what makes it the entertaining (BUT SHORT!!!) film it is (OH and it has the Hoff so what more do you want - and theres even some 80s style cartoon thrown in for good measure)
"Its time to stop the KUNG-FUHRER so press play and get ready for you aint seen nothing like this!!" - "OH and its the viking age that explains the laser-raptors" (AND I DO MEAN NOTHING!!!!)

Heres the mini movie in all its majesty!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 29 May, 2015. Last edited 22 July, 2015.
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3.0 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
Ok really wanted to enjoy this but until they do something about the frame rate issues how the hell can i ??????
I meet more than even the recommended specs and at times Claire moves like she should and then she all of a sudden pauses and then runs like a complete mad woman for 3 seconds and then back to normal!!!!!!!!
Shortest review i have ever done and i will say that until they patch this and make it playable (as its unplayable in this state) it is one i would not reccomend to anyone and to be honest its one you should avoid FACT!!!!!

JUST TO POINT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After playing through the first part and experiencing nothing but framerate issues and stuttering i got to the point in the game where you play as Barry,
Now why is it that the game runs really well from here on in but doesnt play well in the first opening chapter????????????
No matter what there must be some issues with the game as it runs well at some points and not at others - this can only mean one thing,the game needs some work and needs patching.

Posted 25 February, 2015. Last edited 26 February, 2015.
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19.5 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
Ok i have held of writing a review on this game for quite a while now as i wanted to play it and watch as it developed further through its journey to full release.So now after playing through the first five world's (level's - but each one really does feel like a seperate world and each really does have its own identity) and tallying up nearly fiveteen hour's of play i think its about time i review this very interesting and at time's puzzling game.
Is it any good???
And do you really want to solve its mysteries and delve into its depth's???
Well read on and find out if i recommend this game and if its worth jumping in just yet.

Soul Axiom - Early Access Trailer -


Ok so this game come's at us by the same indie studio that developed Master Reboot and at time's it really does show and that's not a bad thing at all,Master Reboot is a very good game and one that was well received with good reason.At first though this game seem's very similar and yet as you play through what's on offer you'll come to realise even with these similarities that Soul Axiom is so much more and it really has benefited from the guy's time spent making Master Reboot but (and its a very big BUT-but not as big as Beyonce's) this game really is better in all the right way's and in all the right place's so let's get on to explaining exactally why.
Ok so first up the most important thing this game has on offer its elusive and mysterious story,now when you start up the game you are free falling through the cloud's during a storm and whilst your falling lightning flashes all around you and you see snipits of memories...........your memories??????,then whilst trying to make some sense of what's going on you look down and see a very large object approaching fast and your directly on a collision course with it AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!
But no you find yourself on the deck of a ship,the weather beating down on your face.As you look around you see people but you can barely make out their features,they seem to be searching for something on the horizon then you spot an old man at the helm.Next all hell breaks loose and.......................well let's leave it there shall we.
So that's how the game start's and to say much more would spoil your time spent discovering it for yourself as with this game the less you know before hand the better.
Let's just say that your journey will lead you through more than a few tricky situations and you will find yourself travelling to places far and wide,and strange and exotic.
The graphic's are really well done and suit this game down to the ground and they are only getting better the further the game get's through its development cycle.The jungle level looked good before but now with the update they just released (which included a whole new level-and dare i say its the best level so far) it doesnt just look good it looks great.This also applies to all the other place's you will end up visiting as well and each area has had as much work and effort poured into it as the last one,you can really see that the game is a labour of love for the development team and it really does show.

Heres a great shot from one of the places you will end up visiting......................why you end up here,well im not saying ?????????


Now gameplay wise the game play's out like a puzzler but is in no way your standard run of the mill affair,as you progress through the story you will eventually come across new abilities that you use to change and manipulate the world around you and in true puzzle game fashion (PORTAL anyone??) you wont make any headway until you learn to use them properly.
At this moment during its development there are three possible abilities to aquire and each one has a very different effect on the world around you.One give's you the power to create ball's of flame which you use to blast away at item's and blocked of area's on screen that can lead to new undiscovered places for you to move onto and explore.
Yet another let's you move object's by the power (of what can only be described as) telekinesis which help's in creating safe route's over lava by moving objects ECT for you to walk on.Lastly (which is the first ability you get) you can make object's that are unstable break down or you can recreate object's that have broken down into particle's,thus moving obstacle's in your way or creating item's that can be used to climb on ECT.
Ok last but by no mean's least sound and spoken dialogue,the spoken dialogue in game is all delivered really well for what's there but it takes a back seat to the sound in game that's yet another highlight and the score that accompanies the game has been really well thought out and capture's what's going on in each world you will visit pefectly,from drum's in the jungle level to gunfire in the gulf war everywhere you go will have its own score and sound effect's,and that's what really help's them to all feel different and fresh and give's each one you visit its own unique identity.

Here's a great track from the game,and one that really did stick in my mind (I'm still humming it now DAMMIT!!)



So during my play time with the game during its early access stint i have really enjoyed what is a dark and facinating journey through someone's soul (and by the look of thing's other people's as well).The game play's really well and the developer's are allways working hard and bringing out regular update's which improve not only the quality of the game (from graphic's and sorting out minor bugs) but the overall size of it as well,as with every major update come's a new and more interesting slice of the overall pie and trust me once it all come's together and its fully released this is going to be one very special experience indeed.
Ok so will you like and enjoy this well made and mysterious game,well as allways answer the following three question's and then you decide -

1 - Are you ok buying into a game that even though it is in a really great and playable state (with very few bug's - except the ones in the jungle level) is still in early access and isnt finished just yet ??

2 - Do you want to be taken on a dark yet very strange tale of soul's and mortality ??

3 - Are puzzle games your bag as you will spend a lot of time in the game solving puzzle's using the new abilities you gain,so dont sign up if that's not for you (and some are a little tough) ??

If you answered yes to the above question's then what are you waiting for buy the game now and get playing this oft dark tale.If not that's ok as puzzle game's arent for everyone but trust me you will be missing out on one of the best early access games this reviewer has ever played (and thats a FACT)!!!!

Posted 17 February, 2015.
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6.5 hrs on record
"Its overrrrrrrrr,Mr's Black" and so begin's the third part of one of the best selling series ARTIFEX MUNDI have published to date,but is it a satisfying end to the trilogy and have they met the fan's expectation's with this release???????
So after going to Skull Island and saving the day,then answering the siren's call what can we expect to be doing in this brand new (and completely thrilling) chapter in the trilogy??????????
Well as the name would suggest (DUH BIT OF A GIVE AWAY THAT TITLE) we will be facing of against none other than a certain Davy Jones (wonder if we will finally find out what he keep's in his locker,more than likely old classic edition's of Playboy if you ask me...............but who know's??)

Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones Official Trailer ...


So let's get onto the meat and bone's of the game and first up gameplay,now to anyone familiar with HOG's (hidden object game's to anyone not in the know) the gameplay will come as no huge surprise as it follow's the staple diet of other's of its ilk and doesnt mess with the formula too much.There were parts that felt fresh but on thinking on it as i write this review i have seen them done before but never better.Now the gameplay will consist of you doing the usual for this type of game,but for those who dont know this mean's you will play through the story and at certain point's you will have to search static screen's for hidden object's ranging from broom's to feather's for an arrow ECT,but you will also have to solve puzzle's with some of the object's you find say a pair of garden clipper's that will prune those peskey thorny vine's.
You do get a map and this help's as it show's you all the location's you have visited upto that point and exactally where you are,but it also show's you which location's have things to do in them,therefore you will rarely get lost and that's one of the game's best draw's.With all that being said the gameplay is solid and measure's up to anything the genre has to offer.
Ok next up graphic's,these range from the static kind whilst solving puzzle's or searching through the hidden object scene's to animated scene's that help the story to flow along (which it does with ease).The game look's crisp and is the best looking one out of the trilogy and its a joy (at least for me) to actually get to see the one and only Davy Jones at last,as he has been mentioned on a few occasion's in the previous two game's and he look's great now we finally get to meet him in the flesh (well actually with his mask on he look's like he belong's in TRON riding a light-cycle).I will say this there were a few time's i did struggle to see some item's and that was either because i had been staring at the screen to much "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,my eye's" or sadly that some items are a little to difficult to spot,but to be honest this didnt happen to much and didnt in any way take away from my enjoyment and my time with the game.
Ok next up music and dialogue,the music in game does its job and for this sort of a game never does get on your nerve's which is actually a problem in a lot of hidden object game's.The cast all do a great job with the character's they portray and mention must be given to the voice actor playing Davy Jones as with all his pirate twang he really does sound like he just stepped out from a Pirates Of The Caribbean movie,anyway speaking of Davy Jones this was the first time i came across him in game in all his glory (doesnt he look like some sort of pirate who wanted a part in TRON but failed his audition ) -


After playing the first two parts i am glad to see the story coming full circle and it is both a satisfying game to play through and one that will (as ever with this series) leave you wanting more.Now without spoiling it for anyone this is the collector's edition and there is more to it once the curtain role's on the main game but as Nerissa would say from The Wolf Among Us "My lips are sealed".
But trust me once you have finished the main game and the extra part which is called "The Stolen Treasure" you will want more so lets hope that ARTIFEX MUNDI make one as if they dont i'm moving in with the developer's until they do,and A- i like to eat lot's of thing's with garlic in and B- i snore a HELL of a lot.
So with that in mind guy's if i was you i would allready be penning the next chapter in this hit series as dont and...........................WELL hope you like snoring and that unwanted garlic smell first thing in the morning!!!!!!!
"EEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH,quick guys make the next part Skulls coming"

Here's the first twelve minutes of gameplay which does contain both story and gameplay SPOILER'S,but show's you just how the game play's out and the sort of activities you will get upto -

Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones Collector's Edition ...


So will you enjoy this game and would you want to play though another hidden object game,answer the following three question's then you decide -

1 - Do you like your hidden object game's and really want to see how this story end's???

2 - Do you want one of the best game's this genre has to offer so far???

3 - "AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" you after a great hidden object game with pirate's and the notorious DAVY JONES in???

If you answered yes to the above "What AAARRRRRRRRRR ya waitin for land lubbers" but if hidden object game's just arent your bag and no matter how good this game is it still wont convince you then thats ok!!!!!!
But you will be missing out on one of the best game's this genre has to offer FULL STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 2 February, 2015. Last edited 2 February, 2015.
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31.1 hrs on record (30.7 hrs at review time)
Well lets start by saying that this is "THE GAME",and when i say "THE GAME" i mean "THE GAME" that's causing an extreme amount of controversy on STEAM as even if you play the censored version you will still end up (eventually) seeing some rather rude image's of the girl's you will date,but if you download the patch "BOY-OH-BOY" the image's you see then are thing's that wouldent be out of place on some dodgy website,how do i know............................well i just do OK,so stop asking me question's about it *GULP* ;)

HuniePop Release Trailer -


Ok i hear you cry it has BUM'S and BOOB'S in it but what does it actually play like and is the game actually any good????????????
Well lets deal with the most important thing first and that's the gameplay,now when you start the game you wake up and come face to face with Kyu who is a magic love fairy hailing from the mythical Sky Garden,ok so not your usual morning wake up call,me i set my alarm clock.
She then proceed's to tell you that she has come to help you try to get dates as you are pathetic at it (well that really made me feel good about myself) and you need her help,this lead's to you walking round the various location's the game has to offer and meeting your prospective date's.
So after meeting the nine girl's we then get down to the brass tac's of the gameplay and you learn that to unlock new outfit's for the girl's you need to buy them gifts,but not just any gifts ones they will actually like.Now this is where your Hunie pop device come's in handy as when you activate it,it gives bios for all the girl's and also access to your inventory,the shop to buy gifts,your traits and the ability to upgrade them and more beside's.
And believe me you need to upgrade your trait's to get anywhere in this game as when you go on a date you then get to the main part of the game where you have to MATCH 3 symbol's that are the same and score enough points and you win the date.Sounds easy yes,WRONG as each girl like's and will be happier with certain symbol's matched together in three's than other's and all girl's like different combinations,so you will have to learn what symbol's and then remember if you dont well you fail your date if you do then eventually you'll end up with another notch in your bedhead.Then you move onto your next date and start talking to the girl and then "RING-RING" you get a new message and also a photograph for that successful date,OK that even happen's in real life but (and i do mean BUT) as you win more date's you get more revealing photo's from the girl's until you actually get to bed them,BED THEM yes BED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So after four successful date's (IT ISNT THIS EASY IN REAL LIFE) you get to...................well like i said bed the girl and in doing so what do you get for your trouble's and hard work,a pair of underwear..............likes its some sort of trophy.
Now when you have successfully dated all girl's you may think that's it,well no actually as there are three secret girl's to date and so on you go onto more conquest's.One girl is easy to get and she just appear's when you have won the other nine date's (OH ten actually,Kyu the love fairy as well) but the other two take a bit of guess work (OR LOOKING IT UP ON GOOGLE WORKS AS WELL).

Heres a shot i got sent by one of the girl's for a successful date (CLEAN SHOT THOUGH-SOME ARE WELL................DEARY ME) -


And that's the problem this game will have appealing to a main stream audience,the fact that the image's you see in game and the negative way it treat's its female cast (even though to be honest its all done in jest "You can keep my underwear its ok HONEY") are getting so much attention that people think that's all the game has to offer.
Well i can tell you that even though it does have image's like that,that the game itself is actually both well made and oft time's hillarious,"Hillarious you say" and i say yes it is as some of the thing's the girl's will say will make you cringe but more often than not you will end up laughing out loud at the script and what the girls actually say to each other.And all dialogue in game is actually fully spoken by an all female voice cast,which adds to the fun factor when they start fighting or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ each other off.
I can understand why the game is getting the stick it is but if you like a solid puzzle game with MATCH 3 element's then you cant go wrong with this game.Like i said the gameplay element's are solid and if you havent leveled up your trait's and you dont know what the girl your dating like's in her symbol's that you match then sorry son but your going to fail that date.

Heres a short video that show's and explain's how the gameplay play's out during a date -


So in closing as allways will you want to play this game and will you get anything out of it,answer the following three questions and see what you think -

1 - Do you want a great MATCH 3 game that has a sense of humour and a great script that will at point's have you laughing out loud???

2 - Are you ok with (EVEN IN THE CENSORED VERSION) seeing the girl's in less than,shall we say flattering poses???

3 - Do you like anime style art in your game's,as your going to be seeing a lot of it before this game reache's its conclusion???

If you answered yes to the above question's then what are you waiting for buy it now,if not and you arent into MATCH 3 type game's or you dont want to see the sort of image's this game puts forward then that's ok,the game isnt for everyone.
But even though the game does contain image's that some may find offensive the game itself would actually stand on its own due to the strong MATCH 3 game play element's and the often hillarious script.

Posted 1 February, 2015. Last edited 1 February, 2015.
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9.9 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
"Waking up i find myself in a room,its dark and all i hear is the hum of an engine.................i have no idea who i am but i know that i wont die here,ALONE" so ok the usual start to an A-typical horror game,but start to explore and you will soon realise why this upcoming game has the potential to be one of the best of its genre that you will play this coming year.
Ok so the game at the moment is in early access and to be honest a lot of game's claim to be "THE NEXT BIG THING" when it come's to any genre of gaming but after playing and experiencing what the game has to offer so far i must say that if it continue's through the rest of its development cycle in this vein then it will be everything it claim's and much more beside's.
Now that's a big and bold statement to make but read on and you will see why this game does have what it take's to make it one hell of an horriffic rollercoaster ride of terror any horror fan wont want to miss!!!!!!!

Monstrum Announcement Trailer - The Survival Horror ...


So let's get down to the brass tac's of what made my time with it so great the gameplay,now you start the game in a darkly lit broom closet (think that's what it is?????) and then progress into a dimly lit room where upon you find a torch which you proceed to use.Searching the room you find a fuse (which you will need later on in game-IF YOU SURVIVE LONG ENOUGH THAT IS) and upon looking round the room further still (with your new found source of light) you find a note on the floor.These note's are your only mean's of learning what's gone on and they offer some insight into what's happening as well.
Throughout my play time i have found bottle's and other object's you can use to distract the foul creature's you will eventually come across,glow stick's that attract less attention from your pursuer's than your torch does and an acetylene torch which at present i have found no use for (but logic dictates i will use it to weld item's that need repair later in the game).
As mentioned above you find various item's and these all play a part in the game at some point sooner or later,whilst i was running round (well creeping round that is) i came across a fuse box that actually needed a new fuse in it and "HOORAY" i used the one i had grabbed before thus making the electricity come on in that area.Now that was both a good and a bad thing as i could see more clearly without needing my torch and doing so also unlocked a door for me,but i also attracted attention of an unwanted variety.
Now when i say this i really do mean "UNWANTED" as if you do die in this game guess what back to the start you go,and of you go again-so permadeath here we come AARRGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
But to be honest that didnt bother me as i knew what i was getting before this happened and if it does bother you,you either didnt read the games description well enough or you did and your just letting it get to you to much.
Ok so that lead's me to the monster's themselve's and OH BOY neither i have run into dissapointed me in any way,but i did actually die at their hands on both occasion's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"!!!!!!!!!!
The first one was a huge hulking thing that i heard before i saw,and trust me when i heard it i nearly fell of my chair as the noise it made was..............well just horrible,so did i run-of course i bloody did as this is the sort of game you have no weapons in and like (DARE I SAY) Alien Isolation you have to use brain's more than brawn to survive.I of course died at its hand's as it came smashing through a door behind me and proceeded to smash my head in against the side of the ship.
The second thing was even worse than the first,i was in the hold of the ship and yet again i heard it before i saw the damn thing so i backed of.Now i must have knocked into something as it turned in my direction and started to run at me,i of course tried to run for cover but OH MY GOD this thing was so fast it was on me soon as i tried to open the door to get out (SHOULD HAVE LEFT IT OPEN YOU FOOL),and so ended yet another run oh well "C'est la vie".

This was my "DEADLY" encounter with one of the monstrosities i came across -


The graphic's in game do the job they set out to do and are neither amazing (except the creature's they are great and animated to perfection) nor unappealing,but they do help to set the atmosphere well of you being trapped on a rusting hulk with no way of (WELL I HAVENT FOUND ONE YET).
The sound is a high point (needs a little work but nothing major) with the ship creaking and groaning,and you never know from one moment to the next if that noise you heard is the vessel or something far more demonic.When the creature's do appear (and they will do sooner or later GULP) the noise's they make are both frightening and at the same time in an ironic way a blessing to hear as they give the lifeless ship that added "Hey im not alone" feeling,as the atmosphere the game create's is oppresive and lonely and even though thats a good thing i was happy (and at the same time bricking it) that at least there was something else living on this ship from HELL!!!!! (even though it either wanted to smash my face in or suck it off)

Anyway next up a short video of things you will find yourself doing in your pursuit to escape this nightmare vessel -

Monstrum Early Access Gameplay Trailer -


Ok so will you want to play and will you enjoy this early access game,well as allway's answer the following three question's and then decide -

1 - Are you a horror fan who wants a game that is both SCARY and at the same time will keep defeating you until you learn its intricacies and get used to it ???

2 - Are you ok buying into a game that even though is in a very good and playable state still isnt finished just yet ???

3 - Are you ok being scarred out of your wits and not bothered about suffering a stroke ???

If your ok and answered yes to the above questions then jump in and get prepared for one hell of a scary ride,if not and this doesnt seem like your type of game or you have a weak heart thats ok.
But you will be missing out on what will be one of this years best and scariest thrill rides!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 31 January, 2015. Last edited 1 February, 2015.
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