Dota 2
Violet Emissary
Slots: Head
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
File Size
15.234 MB
2 May, 2013 @ 10:03pm
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If the Hidden Ones were to use Lanaya for their mysterious intentions, they had to know she was capable of not just grasping both mind and matter, but mastering their dichotomic nature. To this end they bestowed upon her a tuning artifact. If she could maintain its form in the material world for three days and bring it back to the Temple in one piece she would have proven herself. So that's precisely what she did. Lanaya proved herself quite handily by bringing it back in perfect condition, and has since been known to wear it again from time to time to boost her concentration and further reveal her dedication to the Hidden Temple.

Update 5/10 : Added portrait views to workshop page screenshots