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The International 2013 Interactive Compendium Guide
By Jimo and 1 collaborators
This guide will explain how to purchase, activate and use The International 2013 Interactive Compendium.

This guide has been archived and no further major edits will be made.
This guide will explain how to purchase, activate and use The International 2013 Interactive Compendium.

The Interactive Compendium keeps you up to date with the International and gives you access to new content as the tournament progresses. It allows you to place tournament bets and gives you an opportunity to vote on different player awards. It even lets you choose two Dota 2 dream teams which will compete before the finals begin.
Purchasing a Compendium
The Interactive Compendium can be purchased from the Dota 2 Store for $9.99/£5.99/€7.99. It's bundled with an exclusive Smeevil Courier. It also includes any stretch goal rewards which have already been unlocked.

The International 2013 Interactive Compendium can be purchased here.

For every compendium purchased $2.50 goes towards the prize pool of The International. Money added to the prize pool from compendium purchases are added to the stretch goal progress. This is explained in the Stretch Goal section of the guide.
Tournament Loot
The International will be free to watch and available to everyone. However, only people with a Compendium will be eligible to receive rare International 2013 item drops during live matches.

These drops will be active starting with the Western Qualifiers and will continue dropping all the way through the tournament from the qualifiers to the finals.

Certain in-game events, such as a victory or a double-killl, will trigger tournament loot to randomly drop to those who are spectating live through the Dota 2 client or on a Steam-linked Twitch TV account.

Activating the Compendium
Once you've purchased the Interactive Compendium you'll need to activate it. From within the Dota 2 client click Store located at the top of the main menu. Once you're on the Store page you can then click on the Backpack tab.

Locate the Compendium from the backpack and Right Click on it. Select the option which says Activate Compendium.

You will then receive a popup which will ask you if you're sure you want to activate the compendium.

Once you select yes you'll receive a popup message letting you know that the compendium activation was succesful.

If you look on your Dota 2 profile by clicking your name from the menu you'll now see a large compendium button. Clicking this button will bring up the Interactive Compendium.

Once you've activated the compendium, any stretch goal rewards such as the battle booster will be automatically placed into your backpack. These can be activated in the exact same manner as the comependium itself.
Navigating the Compendium
Once you've opened the compendium from your Dota 2 profile you'll be greeted with a large green book.

There are several pages you can flip through by clicking the arrow buttons to the left and right of the screen.

You can also turn a page by clicking and dragging on the bottom right side of the book.

On the second page of the Compendium there is a Table of Contents. This will allow you to quickly navigate to a specific page in the Compendium by clicking on the page link.

At any point you'd like to close the compendium you can click the button at the bottom labeled close.

Predictions for main event and the group stages are completely closed!
Predictions for the West and East Qualifiers are now completely closed!

Several pages of the compendium will allow you to make predictions on what you think is going to happen during the tournament. Correct predictions will earn you points in your compendium.

In the example below the prediction is for who you believe will come first and second place in the West Qualifiers. To make a prediction drag and drop the team logo into the corresponding section in the middle of the page.

The other prediction pages will allow you to make in-depth predictions.

You'll be able predict statistics such as who will be picked or banned the most and much more. To make a selection simply click on the drop-down menu and select what you believe the outcome will be. These selections will be saved automatically.

You can revisit these pages at any time to alter your predictions. Once the countdown at the bottom of the compendium hits zero your predictions will be locked and you'll be unable to edit your choices.

If you're unsure what to choose for your predictions, consider reading the Dat Dota blog[] which has a number of statistical breakdowns for each category.
Prediction Results
Once the results are in the prediction pages will be updated with the results. If your prediction was correct you'll get a green check mark next to it.

If you'd like to view the winning answer you can click on the Show Result button to the right of each category.

This will bring up a popup window which will give you the correct answer along with some additional statistics. Some of them will even provide a link to the relevant game replay.

The prediction score at the bottom of the results page is a tally of how many points you earned from correct predictions.

International Fantasy Challenge
International Fantasy Challenge team choices are now closed!

Similar to fantasy football, the International Fantasy Challenge pages of the compendium allow you to create a dream team of players. At the closing of the tournament, each of your fantasy teams will earn you an item based on its performance.

The introduction pages of this section go into detail about how the point scoring system works.

The final page of the International Fantasy Challenge section allows you to make your team selections. You can also name your team and add a logo. You're able to purchase new teams up until the timer reaches zero, once it reaches zero you will only have 15 minutes to have your roster completed before the tournament begins.

The in-game spectator UI allows you to keep track of the points earned by the players on your fantasy team. Leaderboards and highlights on fantasy teams will be displayed at both the International website and at the event its self.

If you'd like to make a second fantasy team you can do so by purchasing the Compendium Fantasy Team item on the Dota 2 Store for 99 cents.

During the event you can check the compendium page for a running points total for your teams. The scores will be updated at the end of each day.

Compendium Matchmaking
Each week an interesting game from the East and West qualifiers will be selected. If you own a compendium you'll be able to play in a special matchmaking pool where the picks from that game will be mimicked.

To participate in Compendium Matchmaking click on the Play button at the top of the Main Menu of Dota 2.

From the list on the left hand side you can then select Find Compendium Match to begin matchmaking for the compendium game of the week.

Team Cup
The Team Cup section of the compendium is a way to show your support for your favorite team and player. Whenever you win a matchmaking game, you'll earn points for them. Every week rewards will be given out to the team and players with the highest scoring fanbase.

To make a selection use the dropdown menu underneath each category.

If you're sure you've made the right choice click on Lock My Selection. Once this has been done you'll be unable to alter your picks.

Your selections will also appear on your compendium icon whenever somebody looks at your Dota 2 Profile.

Once the results are in they will be displayed on the right side of the Team Cup section underneath Results.

Each member on the winning team, and the favourite player will be rewarded with either a Mythical or Legendary "Favored" item. The item name is colored yellow and contains a custom description and title.

Solo Championship
Solo Championship selections are now closed. You can view the winners here.

The Solo Championship page of the compendium allows you to vote on who you believe should take place in the eight player Solo Championship at the International. You're able to modify your changes up until the timer reaches zero.

All-Star Match
All-Star match selections are now closed. You can view the winners here.

Within the compendium there is a page called All-Star Match. This page will allow you to create two dream teams which will compete for fun prior to the group stages of the International. This game will be streamed live through the Dota 2 client and on Twitch TV.

You're also able to select which role they will play during the match. Placing their name at the top of the list means you'd like them to play a carry, and placing their name at the bottom of the list means you'd them to play a support.

Smeevil Courier
As the tournament evolves, so too will your courier. Spectating matches from the International using the in-game spectator tools and Twitch will unlock new ways to customize its appearance.

To unlock a style go to your in-game backpack and locate your Smeevil. Right click on the item thumbnail and choose Select Style.

On the screen that appears you'll be able to cycle through multiple Smeevil styles. The required materials to unlock the style are listed beneath the panel. To unlock mounts for your Smeevil you'll need to have unlocked the prerequisite color and you'll also need to own the required material.

When you're sure you've made the right selection click on the button which says Unlock Style and follow the prompts. You'll then be able to change the styles of your Smeevil through the Select Style menu.

Below is a list of where you can find the items required to unlock different Smeevil styles.

  • Smeevil Treat: A Smeevil Treats will drop by completing your first Compendium matchmaking game. They are also rewards from completing Player Card challenges. This item will change the base color of your Smeevil.

  • Edge Crab Lure: When combined with a Purple Smeevil, this item will unlock the crab mount. The Edge Crab Lure is a reward for collecting and stamping eight full teams of Player Cards into your Compendium, it also requires that you stamp both of your challenge teams.

  • Edge Crab Dye: Using the Edge Crab Dye on your Smeevil will unlock an alternative color for your Smeevil Crab. This item is a reward for collecting and stamping every single Player Card into your Compendium.

  • Mammoth Bait: When combined with a Red Smeevil, this item will unlock the Mammoth mount. This item is a reward for completing an International Fantasy Challenge team within your Compendium.

  • Cleft Hawk's Call: When combined with a Yellow Smeevil, this item will unlock the Bird courier. This item is a reward for completing all the Main Event Predictions within your Compendium.

    Similar to some of the previous tournament couriers, your Smeevil will track the amount of International games you have watched and will upgrade the courier’s effect based on the amount of games you have watched. For those of you that won’t be able to catch the games live you will be able to watch the replays in order to increase your total games viewed count.

    Below are previews of the Smeevil particle effect at 67 games viewed. The particle effect is separate from the other customization unlocks.

    If you don't know how spectate using the in-game spectator tools, you can view a guide on how to use them by clicking the button below.

    If your Steam account is linked to your Twitch account, live games watched through official Twitch TV channels will also count towards your games viewed on your courier. For information on how to link your Steam account to Twitch, click the link below.
Team Profiles
The Team Profiles section of the compendium gives you information about the the teams in The International such as their country of origin and past team accomplishments. At the bottom of each team page there is a link which will direct you to the Dota 2 Store so you can buy their team pennant to show support.

If you hover over the picture of a player on the team you'll get some additional information about that individual such as their age, role and most picked tournament heroes so far in 2013.

Player Cards
While playing normal and compendium matchmaking you'll have a chance of receiving player cards. These cards can be stamped into your compendium to earn you rewards. You'll receive two teams as your challenge that you need to collect, collecting a full set of player cards will earn you materials that are used to unlock different Smeevil styles.

If a you had a player card drop for you after a game, you'll need to visit your backpack to stamp it into your compendium.

The tooltip includes information about the specific player the card is for.

If you right click on the item thumbnail you'll get a list of options. From this menu select Use on Compendium.

You'll then get a confirmation dialog asking you if you're sure you want to activate the card. Once you click yes the card will be consumed and it will be removed from your inventory.

If you visit the Team Profile section of your compendium, players you've earned the cards for will now be highlighted.

For more information on Player Cards check out Cyborgmatt's guide below.
Stretch Goals
For every compendium purchased the prize pool of the 2013 International is increased by $2.50. On the Prize Pool section of the compendium there is a running total of how much the International prize pool is currently sitting at. Additionally you can check the running total by visiting the Dota 2 Blog and looking at the sidebar.

There are seven stretch goals which will unlock different rewards.

If you'd like to gift a compendium to a friend you'll need to purchase one from the store and then trade it to them. If you're not familiar with Steam trading you can follow my guide below.
Valor HUD
The Genuine Valor HUD is the reward for the Compendium hitting Stretch Goal 3.

As of May 22nd the HUD has been added to the game. If you own a compendium you will receive it next time you open your Backpack in Dota 2.

To equip the HUD skin right click on the item thumbnail from your Backpack and select Equip Player Loadout.

You might not see it equipped straight away, this is because it's considered a Player Item and can be found by selecting the Show Player Items button.

Below are some screenshots of the HUD demonstrated on both the Dire and Radiant side of the map.

If you don't own a Compendium yet you will still be given a HUD along with any other previously unlocked stretch goal rewards upon purchase.
Taunt Animations
The reward for the Compendium hitting Stretch Goal 4 is bundle of six different taunts.

As of May 31st the taunts have been added to the game. If you own a compendium you will receive them next time you open your Backpack in Dota 2.

To open the bundle right click on the icon from your Backpack and click Open Bundle.

You'll then be asked if you're sure you want to Unpack the taunts, select Yes.

Once you've selected Yes all six taunts will be available within your backpack. To equip a taunt right click on the item thumbnail and select Equip. Once the taunt is equipped you can click on your taunt key in the game to use it, this is bound to H by default.

Below you can find video previews of every International Compendium taunt.

  • Crystal Maiden: Beautiful Snowangel

  • Anti-Mage: The Magic Ends Here

  • Juggernaught: Sharp Blade

  • Pudge: Shake Your Money Maker

  • Drow Ranger: Keep an Ear Out

  • Lina: Get Burned

The Immortal Reliquary
The reward for the Compendium hitting Stretch Goal 6 is one of five different Immortal items. They are packaged inside of an item called The Immortal Reliquary.

As of July 26th the items have been added to the game. If you own a compendium you will recieve one the next time you open your Backpack in Dota 2.

Below is a list of items you can recieve.

  • Pudge: Whalehook

  • Vengeful Spirit: Scree'auk's Talon

  • Kunkka: Leviathan Whale Blade

  • Abaddon: Mace of the Chosen

  • Lone Druid: Cauldron of Xahryx

Coming Soon
The Compendium is a living document. From the Qualifiers to the Grand Finals, it will continually grow and evolve as The International progresses, adding new prizes, new polls, and new ways to interact with the tournament.

This guide will expand to cover any new features added to the compendium as they become available.

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xxxEzingriNxxx 24 Nov, 2015 @ 11:34pm 
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