
Anyone who worked at Disney Feature Animation over the past forty years knew who Vance Gerry was. Very few actually got to see his work before it was shipped off to the archives.

Fortunately, the geek in me started making copies of his work and instead of sitting in a folder in my personal archive I want to share these drawings with as many people as possible. If you look long enough at these drawings and paintings you will be able to see the kind, funny, humble and generous man that was Vance Gerry.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

A few more while I have the time

On the way to Alaska, Jenny is accidently washed overboard and Peter jumps in to save her. The Crew is amazed that a cat would do something like that and they launch a wacky attempt to save both cats.

Peter nurses Jenny back to health.

In Alaska one of the crew brags about the heroic cat and is called a liar. A comic fight breaks out causing the captain to flee the town.

Unable to locate any relatives in Alaska, Peter convinces Jenny to return to the old man who truly cares about her. Unfortunately, upon their return they find the old man has passed away, alone and unnoticed.

There are a few missing drawings that Vance did for this section that I can't find right now. I will be sure to post them when I find them.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jenny and Peter take a trip

Jenny introduces Peter to Mr. Grimms, an old man who is always good for a dish of milk.

While Mr. Grimms wolud love Jenny to stay and keep him company, Jenny wants wants to find her family. Peter, who can read, locates a ship bound for the Alaskan gold fields where Jennys family are from.

Jenny has learned that to remain on board a cat has to earn it's keepAnd the ship's cook is a cat's best friend.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Jenny teaches Peter

Jenny takes Peter to a museum to learn about being a cat.
