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Part of S-300
Credit: © Mark Wade
Russian surface-to-air missile. Mobile, multiple-target, universal integrated surface-to-air missile. The S-300V system can fire either of two versions of the containerized missiles loaded: long range and medium range. These missiles are given different NATO designations. However any mix of the two missiles can be loaded as needed in the vertical launcher cells.

AKA: SA-12. Status: Active. Payload: 150 kg (330 lb). Apogee: 25 km (15 mi).

At the end of the 1960's General Designer V P Efremov at Antey began development of the mobile, multiple-target, universal integrated surface-to-air missile system S-300V. This was to be capable of hitting aircraft of whatever type as well as the re-entry vehicles of tactical ballistic missiles. Following protracted development the system was accepted by the Soviet surface forces in 1985. The system used the 9A83-1 universal mobile self-propelled launcher chassis, developed by N S Popov at KB-3 of the Kirov Factory. This was a highly mobile self-contained vehicle, with its own electrical generators, living quarters, and radio communications. Two missiles were developed by EMKB Novator for launch by the system. The 9M82 had a mass of 4.6 metric tons and could reach 2400 m/s, while the 9M83 weighed 2.5 metric tons and could reach 1700 m/s. Both were two stage vehicles, with inertial guidance systems and semi-active radar homing systems for terminal homing. The system could track 24 targets simultaneously.


Radars: 9S15MT Obzor-3 Bill Board A target acquisition radar, F band, range 250 km. 9S19 Imbir High Screen target acquisition radar, band, range 175 km. 9S32 Grill Pan target tracking radar, range 175 km.

Maximum range: 75 km (46 mi). Minimum range: 6.00 km (3.70 mi). Initial Operational Capability: 1985. Floor: 250 m (820 ft).


9M83 Russian surface-to-air missile. Anti-tactical ballistic missile; inner-layer defense.

9M82 Russian surface-to-air missile. Anti-tactical ballistic missile; outer-layer defense.

Family: surface-to-air, vehicle-launched. Country: Russia. Agency: Efremov, Lyulev. Bibliography: 563, 571, 8571.

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