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Part of Soyuz
Russian manned spacecraft module. Operational. First launch 2002.10.30. Further improvement of Soyuz T PAO service module with pressure-fed main engines and unitary RCS/main engine propellant feed system. Equipment-engine section.

AKA: Priborno-agregatniy otsek. Status: Operational 2002. Thrust: 6.20 kN (1,393 lbf). Gross mass: 2,900 kg (6,300 lb). Unfuelled mass: 2,020 kg (4,450 lb). Specific impulse: 302 s. Height: 2.26 m (7.41 ft). Diameter: 2.15 m (7.05 ft).

The new KTDU-80 propulsion system, developed from a NII Mash experimental thruster, included four spherical tanks with a total of 880 kg propellant. The variable thrust engine could achieve three different thrust levels through adjustment of four valves: 6000 N, 0.7 N, 0.3 N. Specific impulse varied from 326 - 286 sec according to setting.

RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 16 X 98 N. RCS Fine No x Thrust: 8 X 98 N. RCS Coarse Backup No x Thrust: No separate backup translation engines.. Electric System: 0.60 average kW.

Family: Manned spacecraft module. Country: Russia. Engines: KTDU-80. Spacecraft: Soyuz TMA. Propellants: N2O4/UDMH.

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