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CarsDB.com respects the privacy of its users. This privacy policy sets out how CarsDB.com (the “Website”) collects, uses and discloses user information. If you disclose your personal information to third parties, this privacy policy will not apply and you will be subject to the privacy policy of that third party.

Collection of Personal Data

Users may disclose or be asked personal information when using CarsDB.com. It may be necessary for users to provide their personal information in order to have full benefit of and enjoy the services on the Website.

Personal information collected by the Website may include your name, contact number and email address. The purposes for collecting the information and data on the Website include the following:

  • To provide various services offered by the Website, newsletter, promotional and marketing materials
  • To handle user enquires and complaints
  • To maintain appropriate business records
  • To contact users regarding administrative notices
  • To respond to users’ enquires or requests
  • To assist CarsDB.com with developments for future marketing and promotions
  • To analyze, develop and improve the Website
  • To verify the identity of each user
Disclosure of Data

CarsDB.com may disclose and/or transfer personal information and/or data to individuals and organizations other than CarsDB.com.

  • CarsDB.com staff and/or related cooperate
  • Individuals and organizations that advertise with CarsDB.com if you submit an enquiry or seek certain services through the Website
  • Outsourced service providers who assist CarsDB.com to provide its services including
    • Information Technology
    • Marketing and market research
    • Public Relation and advertising
  • Entities to whom you request to send your information
  • To assist government or regulatory authorities or police
Subscription to Newsletters & Marketing Materials

CarsDB.com may send Newsletters and Marketing Materials to members of the Website based on personal information that they provided to CarsDB.com. Such members may choose to unsubscribe to receive Newsletter and Marketing Materials.

Access to and Correction of Personal Data

Users may edit, amend or update their personal data by logging in to user account page on CarsDB.com. In the event that a user wishes to update or delete his/her personal data, CarsDB.com may request the user to provide personal details in order to verify his/her identity.

Changes in this Privacy Policy

CarsDB.com reserves the rights to update, amend, modify or revise this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. Users are strongly advised to visit this Privacy Policy page frequently.
