Click-Link for the Number 1 "Disney's America" site history of
Disney's America defeat
 in Virginia by Rudy A.--
 child of North Alabama

Britain's Windsor Castle
has family history secrets
to engage and enrageUNA Highway takes
all to Jesse Owens
Birthplace & MuseumLAB Video Collection
to the University of
Maryland, College Park,
in 2001 from U N A  
Take the footstep
"Gulf War",
"Jesse Owens" & 
"Go Home" will
 take you there
Buttons above in THORNWOOD logo are Clickable

Comcast in Tupelo -- >>> or   Foote/Foot Family History

Coens' Flivver Movie Touts Burnsville Radio WOWL in Tishomingo County
and Tupelo Automobile Museum
"O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

Chris Cleave had given Footes
tour of Daily Telegraph offices
in London before terror attack
of 7 July 2005. Explosions in
Tube were near King's Cross,
Russell Square and several
other underground rail stops.

Click here for JHU Press,
or select Telegraph and
Guardian for world news
Full News View >>>>
  Chotank Web App history began here in 1997  
The Telegraph   The Guardian

Some Power displays require JAVA from Oracle . . . Enable Web Apps for NEW Windows, Android or Apple
JAVA is everywhere -- Mobile phones, Laptop computers, Blu-ray / DVD players, TV set-top boxes

Read when JAVA coding was new, and was new, TOO!

Copyright (c) 1995-2015, Avon Edward Foote, PhD, and Dorothy Gargis Foote, PhD,

Reviewed  .  Revised  .  Refreshed  Today, 28 November 2015  Beginning Our 21st Year

Click here to full list of world libraries with copies of
Shelby Foote: A Writer's Life or Chotankers: A Family History

ShellBee Jane Foote
This to-be Foote family pet escaped from her vet's clinic without dog collar or identity tags in early morning darkness of 25 August 2011.
Eight days later, ShellBee Jane was captured at Haddock's Station on Highway 20 near Central in North Alabama
and brought for the first time to her new home in Florence, where she staged another breakout from
the car garage after less than 20 hours in family's possession.
But, after running loose several hours in early morning darkness of 3 September she returned on-her-own to the Foote back yard before 7:30 am.
