LAMPTRON Fan Controller Touch Review

Modding/Small Mods by stefan @ 2010-11-08

The Fan Controller Touch from LAMPTRON is a nice looking device and allows easy navigation through its touch screen interface, to be able to control the connected fan speeds or see the temperature for each separate channel.

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Packaging, A Closer Look

The LAMPTRON “Touch” fan controller is shipped inside a relatively little cardboard box; on the front we can observe a photo of the actual product in operation and some main features are listed:



On the back, we get to see a product description, the features and specifications in detail, the color of the product inside which can be black anodized or silver aluminium; on the same side we can see not only the inside contents listed, but also their photos:



Just after we open up the box, we can see the contents split into two compartments, with a product catalog on top:



Besides the fan controller, in the box we can find the fan extension cables, the thermal probes, a small cloth to wipe the touch screen, a MOLEX extension cable, some screws and a jumper:



The MOLEX extension cable is meant to help in case our power supply cables are not long enough:



The included jumper is used to enable/disable the audio alarm feature:



The screws that come with the product are also painted black; if our case already features a retention mechanism for the 5.25’’, then it is not necessary to use them:



The thermal probes can be connected directly in the respective headers on the fan controllers’ PCB:



Next, we can see the 3-wire fan cable extenders; unfortunately, like on the FC5, they aren’t sleeved and can produce a mess inside a case if they are not arranged right:


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Comment from kzinti1 @ 2011/02/08
Do these controllers require fans with rpm sensors so RPM and Voltage may be properly displayed or will a 3 pin-2wire connected fan work?
Sorry for reactivating an old thread but I've read quite a few reviews and no fan listing ever mentioned whether these fans had RPM sensors or not.
Comment from Stefan Mileschin @ 2011/02/09
Hello there!

The fan controller will show the RPM for all 3-wire fans (considering that the third wire is not interrupted ), but not for the 2-wire ones. However, with the 2-wire fans it will still show the voltage.
Comment from jmke @ 2011/02/09
depending on fan you're using you might be able to re-activate the RPM feed
Comment from kzinti1 @ 2011/02/09
Thank you very much for your replies.
Comment from Stefan Mileschin @ 2011/02/09
No problem!



