Brando Rechargeable 720P HD Spy Pen with Camera Cover Review

Storage/Other by stefan @ 2010-11-17

The Rechargeable 720P HD Spy Pen is an interesting gadget from Brando and can be used for taking photos, recording videos at a decent webcam quality or recording sound; compared to the Spy Sport Watch reviewed in the past, this product has better overall recording quality.

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A Closer Look

The 720P Spy Pen from Brando comes in a rather little box, which shows us on the front part the resolution which video is taken at (HD 720P), some photos of the product which show us how to operate the lens cover, along with more product features represented by icons:

On the back of the box, we get to see the full list of specifications, along with some recommendations:


The internal box is also stylish and comes with an interesting texture:

Inside it, we can see on top the pen wrapped in a transparent plastic protection and under it we can find the rest of the bundle:

The bundle is composed of a little User's Manual, a CD with drivers, a USB cable and a key chain:

The text written in the manual is with a very little size font and some descriptions from the drawing need a magnifier glass to be read properly:

The device can be used successfully even without the included USB cable:

Here is a closer look on the key chain that is shipped as an accessory along with the product:

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