Swiftpoint Mouse Review

Others/Mice & Keyboards by stefan @ 2010-12-27

The Swiftpoint Mouse is an innovative product with a pen-like grip, meant to completely replace the touchpad functions of most laptops. It's wireless and comes with a USB wireless adapter that also acts like a dock to recharge the product.

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At first I would like to thank Swiftpoint for offering me a sample of their product for review.


About Swiftpoint:

"Swiftpoint is a New Zealand-based, technology company that seeks to improve people’s computer experiences by introducing novel, well-designed peripheral technology products. The company was renamed Swiftpoint, from Simtrix, in 2009 to reflect the company’s focus on its ingenious laptop mouse product, the Swiftpoint Mouse.

Over eight years ago software engineer and Swiftpoint founder Grant Odgers decided that his laptop's touchpad was preventing him from being a truly mobile computer user. Grant, like many others he discovered, found touchpads to be very inaccurate and inefficient substitutes for a mouse. However, if he wanted to be able to use his laptop away from a table or desk, there was really no other alternative. So Grant slipped on his inventor’s hat, convinced some friends and venture capitalists to invest in his ideas and began working on a concept for a small, portable mouse that could actually be used on your laptop surface itself.

In 2008, the company introduced two revolutionary mice concept designs, the “Swiftpoint Slider” and “Swiftpoint Triped”, at CEBIT in Hanover, Germany. The CEBIT unveiling attracted enormous attention, including coverage by international media and interviews with the BBC and CNN. With this strong interest for the Swiftpoint products, in particular for the Swiftpoint Mouse, a decision was made to channel resources into launching this flagship product.

Our focus is on improving efficiencies. We believe that the current options of computer laptop touchpads and mice do not provide the most efficient or convenient experience for users, and we are striving to change this with the Swiftpoint Mouse. It has been a long journey that has included some serious investment in research and design, the development and testing of multiple product concept variations and many rounds of user testing. The outcome of these efforts was the launch of the Swiftpoint Mouse in 2010 and we are so happy with it that we decided to make the claim that “it will change the way you use your laptop ... forever”.

The Swiftpoint Mouse is small and portable and feels very natural to use due to its pen-like grip. Requiring only the palmrest beside the laptop touchpad to operate, the Swiftpoint Mouse provides for laptop computer users freedom without compromise: The freedom to use their laptop to work and play, whenever and wherever they wish, while still maintaining the functionality and performance they want from a mouse."

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