Hitachi XL3000 Desk 3TB USB 2.0 External Drive Review

Storage/HDD by stefan @ 2011-02-06

Hitachi have recently launched their external XL3000 desktop HDDs; these come in elegantly shaped enclosures, with the possibility of mounting both horizontally and vertically, also with enough free space for most of us to store our favourite movies, photos, games and other data.

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At first I would like to thank Hitachi for offering me a sample of their XL3000 Desk 3TB USB 2.0 External Drive for review.


About Hitachi Global Storage:

"Hitachi Global Storage Technologies was founded in 2003 and was formed as a result of the strategic combination of IBM and Hitachi’s storage technology businesses. Storage is one of Hitachi’s five core businesses; substantial technology and financial resources have been committed to ensure a successful and profitable business. The company’s vision is to enable users to fully engage in the digital lifestyle by providing access to large amounts of storage capacity in formats suitable for the office, on the road and in the home. Hitachi Global Storage Technologies is positioned to immediately advance the role of hard disk drives beyond traditional computing environments to consumer electronics and other emerging applications.

The company will extend the world-renowned R&D heritage of its founders and build on their combined 80 years of hard disk drive expertise. With substantial and dedicated research and development investments, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies is positioned to inspire and lead the future of storage technologies.

Hitachi brings a customer-focused and full-service approach to solutions for the hard disk drive marketplace. The company defines the standard for product and service excellence with world-class operations, substantial technical knowledge and a comprehensive customer support infrastructure."


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