ADATA Superior Series S102 16GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive Review

Storage/Other by stefan @ 2011-02-09

ADATA started to introduce speedy USB 3.0 flash drives to the market, one of them being the Superior Series S102 16GB model. These products have different read/write speeds depending on the capacity and thanks to their very high read speed performances we can use them successfully for booting Live USB Linux distributions or for transferring the Windows 7/Vista install kits, to speed up the OS installation.

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Packaging, A Closer Look

The ADATA S102 USB 3.0 Flash drive is shipped inside a small cardboard and plastic package; on the front side we can see how the product looks like through the transparent plastic material, along with the full name of the drive and its capacity. On the bottom, we can see two logos, one which tells us that we can find downloadable software for this product, and one that tells us the product comes with a lifetime warranty:




On the back side of the package, we can see a small product description, the specifications and system requirements:




The S102 takes part from the Nobility Series of ADATA's flash drives and has a similar shaped body to the S805 USB Flash drive, which was reviewed in the past:




On one of the product sides, we can see the ADATA inscription, along with the product model and the interface it functions on:




The opposite side maintains the same design, but without any writings:




In the back of the drive, we can see a small hole where we can insert a lanyard (not included in the package!):




After the removal of the top cap, the USB 3.0 connector gets revealed:




Like on the S805, we can mount the plastic cap in the back of the device, to avoid losing it while the device is plugged in:




Here is a closer look on the USB 3.0 connector of the flash drive; after a small visual inspection, we can see that there aren't any writings on both sides of the connector (some drives have laser inscriptions on the connector with product codes, total capacity or other serial numbers):



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Comment from mohsen @ 2011/12/05
hi, very useful review about ADATA s102, but do you know how much is it's power usage(mA) ?
you can see it in device manager under usb root habs.
it's very critical for me.
Comment from Stefan Mileschin @ 2011/12/05
Originally Posted by mohsen View Post
hi, very useful review about ADATA s102, but do you know how much is it's power usage(mA) ?
you can see it in device manager under usb root habs.
it's very critical for me.
Power Required: 500mA
Comment from mohsen @ 2011/12/05
thanks Stefan, so S102 is out of my choices, maximum usb port current is 500mA and i have to connect my flash to a passive usb hab alongside of my mouse and keyboard, I don't know what these companies are thinking;
I have a HP v165W flash drive with 500mA usage and some times it even doesn't work in solo connection.
currently I'm thinking of Silicon Power Blazee BD10 which has 100mA usage (if rumors be true).
Comment from Stefan Mileschin @ 2011/12/06
Originally Posted by mohsen View Post
thanks Stefan, so S102 is out of my choices, maximum usb port current is 500mA and i have to connect my flash to a passive usb hab alongside of my mouse and keyboard, I don't know what these companies are thinking;
I have a HP v165W flash drive with 500mA usage and some times it even doesn't work in solo connection.
currently I'm thinking of Silicon Power Blazee BD10 which has 100mA usage (if rumors be true).
Glad to be of help!



