Cebit 2011 some highlights

Tradeshow & OC events by leeghoofd @ 2011-04-07

It's Hannover time again. After a 6 hour drive I entered the holy grounds of the Cebit 2011 Messe. Being a hardware enthousiast I went out to look for the new stuff ( as usually CES spoils all the fun ). So this is not a Cebit coverage with all sorts of cases, docking stations, USB sticks with lasers etc... Just the things that I found either good looking, innovative or usefull to the enthousiast crowd. Hence the title : some highlights :) And ofcourse as a reviewer you are obliged to meet and greet all the lovely people that send us the goodies to play with.

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ASrock and Coolermaster

Asrock :

Motherboard wise it's pretty calm. Getting the new B3 chipsets out is the main objective. Also a Z68 motherboard on display at the ASrock booth. The X58 flagship is now the Extreme 6 version.




Jonathan Wendel aka Fatal1ty was playing Quake live for those that wanted to give him a challenge. Ofcourse using his own branded Pro board and the rare OCZ Fatal1ty rams.



ASrock wouldn't be ASrock if they didn't have something special on display ofcourse. The Transformer board featuring a mix of 1155 and 1156 components.






Coolermaster :

Coolermaster introducing some new PSU's (but nothing is finalised yet ) RPM controller and 7V fan connectors foreseen on the PSU. Some brand new air coolers with an ingenious mounting system.




Also they are working hard on a brand new prefilled liquid cooling system.




The CM Storm case is being finalised. Part of the HD bay is removable to allow long video cards, with the CM Storm design it is also possible to use 2 long card in SLI or Crossfire.




The Storm gamers headset, featuring real 5.1 surround, was tested by sir Massman. Shot on the left trying to figure out how Starcraft II works. With Windows minesweeper Massman told me he got better scores due to the headset and his groupie/fan ( to be seen on his right side ) cheering him on.




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