Tones Overclock Academy III - Benelux Edition

Tradeshow & OC events by petervandamned @ 2011-08-19

Sunday 14th August 2011. Exactly one year after Tones Overclock Academy I, the Academy goes international.  Place of action, the beautifull pitoresk city of Utrecht. It was just 2 months ago we had Gigabyte launching their X58-OC board at TOA II. For the first edition Asus was our hardware provider. This time, MSI is the guest manufactor for motherboards and videocards. Consistent sponsors are Intel for the CPUs and Corsair for memory and PSU's. Due to the international character we initially had plans for up to 20 teachers and 80 students. Before we were limited to the madshrimps crew for the teaching part. But together with volunteers from Overclock Team holland we had the opportunity to invite a lot more students.

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Teachers showing how to get max out of the systems

Depending if the student had the specific request they could either be introduced in overclocking on one setup. But why limit yourself ? So most went for the double load and tortured the Z68 and X58 set-ups. Up to the teachers to try to explain the in and outs of overclocking that particular setup. But pictures show more then a 1000 words!




Two of the most elderly Shrimps, Peter (petervandamned) and Luc (Gamer). One with too much a hair and the other one without. But both pretty big fun and entertaining and loads of wisdom to share.




Pieter-Jan (Massman) and Albrecht (Leeghoofd) monitoring stuff. Quite fun battle amongst the (ex) Tones guys at certain moments.






On the right Neil (ModAap ) took the youngest overclocker under his wings and his little paddawan was a very quick learner, maxing out his hardware at an insane rate.




After a few hours with some minor errors (powercuts lol), most got the hang off it and they could start pushing their systems.


In the tradition of the OC Academy  Tones started a little challenge. Two 3Dmark Vantage Entry scores were announced on the two different sockets. This score was used a reference and the participants had to guess how high the best scoring S1155 or S1366 score would be.

3dmark Vantage entry scores had to be made. Why not the performance benchmark ? (as used at Hwbot) To not give an unfair advantage to the poeple that surf the Bot daily.

FYI all systems had pretested MSI GTX580 Lightning cards (for database purposes), but noone knew what card they had running.



Wow if we only could believe these 2600k overclocks! (yes Peter you f*cked *p, leaving EIST and co on :p)



Resulting in the color of the day 

BSOD and for the smallest among us we didn't mind much,  they played card games on oc-ed systems. Feeling the tremendous calculating power generated lol.




And some people in deep deep thoughts. Mister Dennis Achterberg from MSI kept a close eye on us and immediately helped with some beta biosses (thanks for that man !) and reported discovered issues directly to his staf. The boards used were the first shipment. And as usual there are some minor hickups that need a fix asap.







As always it never goes as planned. Leeghoofd in major condensation pain lol.


Time for some demonstrations on LN2 and extra special hardware (ab)use.



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Comment from Dennis.MSI @ 2011/08/19
It wasn't pushing!

Merely positively reinforcing a performance by setting a certain level of expectations.

Which I wouldn't have done if I didn't trust PJ's capabilities
Comment from MSI-Niels @ 2011/08/19
As a certified safety officer (BHV) I did encountered a potential dangerious situation (accidently) Afterwards it was solved directly with an extra extention cable. Perhaps for the better, as everyone was focussing only on the wc attempt.
Comment from leeghoofd @ 2011/08/19
Nice recovery guys

I know what you did last summer
Comment from MSI-Niels @ 2011/08/20
yeah also accidently unplugged a certain someone during a bench session

Just consider it as an extra difficulty level when i am around. Overclocking is becomming so easy on the newer platforms and "LN2 ready" vga cards. At least I (though not always intentionally) keep it a challenge.

I am getting some good idea's now for the MOA 2012 benelux qualifier. instead of trying to make you guys run 100m to an oc genie button, i could just hide all the to be used hardware in the warehouse, as a Military Class II(I) search&bench mission. Not telling that the MSI team hides there too with loaded paintball guns :P
Comment from petervandamned @ 2011/08/21
then the ware house will never looks the same again.
ordering some small pistols too
Comment from jort @ 2011/08/21
hahaha imagine that !
Comment from leeghoofd @ 2011/08/21
I would have an unfair advantage with my l33T military skills...

no need to set scores, just thrash the oposition with fiersome paintball action...
Comment from petervandamned @ 2011/08/22
Vandamned killer skillzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



