ModMyMachine SlamePad Review

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2011-09-29

The new SlamePad mouse pad from ModMyMachine is made from high quality materials, durable, and is designed for speed, by featuring a smooth top surface, which can be found in one of the 10 available colors.

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At first I would like to thank and ModMyMachine for sending a sample of their SlamePad for testing and reviewing.



About ModMyMachine:

"ModMyMachine was founded by Stefan Krumme aka Slame in 2005. While sitting on a LAN Party with Nikolaus Morasch aka NikoMo he was quarelling about his own computer. Well, everybody liked it, but he didn´t. Niko told him to do some new mod with a diary on a forum. Slame, who hates worklog diaries, asked why nobody is doing some PimpMyRide for computers. Niko answered he would watch it if some idiot will do it. Well that´s the story. Slame did it."

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