GeIL Evo Corsa 8GB 2133CL9 Dual Channel Kit Review

Memory by leeghoofd @ 2012-01-04

In the last few months the major hardware spotlights where briefly focused on AMD's Zambezi platform and now more and more on Intels high end Sandy Bridge E platform. Though let us not forget what Intel refers to as the mainstream platform aka socket 1155 Sandy Bridge goodness. The brand new E version requires quad channel action, it's little brethren only in need of dual channel. Todays GeIL dual channel 8Gb kit, comprises for you wiz kids out of two 4Gb dimms at 2133Mhz rated speeds. No cutbacks on timings : CL9-11-9-27 is pretty good stuff. Usually we see high quantity kits running at low speeds (1600ish Mhz) On top of that usually coincides with sluggish timings too. For those that are a bit confused by the brand name : GeIL stands for Golden Emperor International Limited, nothing more and nothing less. Pretty sure most were thinking of something else. Let's open up the kit and see what we can do with this high end 8Gb kit.

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Test Setup and Methodology

As usual we test the dimms at the different ram speed dividers available for their targeted platform. But when lowering the speeds, we try to find the tightest main timings possible too. This usually takes some hours of   Memtesting to see if the dimms are holding up with the selected timings. Our main test program to test solely the rams is MemTest Deluxe. It can be run from within Windows and with multiple instances to cover all the free ram you got. For 8Gbs I usually test up to 6GB to leave 2GB free for Windows 7 to play with.


The test setup comprises of the following hardware :


Asus P8P67 Deluxe motherboard 1850 bios

Intel 2600K CPU at 4.5Ghz (45 x 100)

Asus Nvidia GTX480 VGA

Western Digital 1Tb Caviar Green HDD

Windows 7 64bit Professional SP1 & fully patched

Corsair 1200W AX series PSU.


The results of the Belgian jury at 1.65Vdimm max are :


1600Mhz : CL7-8-7-21 1T TRFC 100

1866Mhz : CL8-9-8-24 1T TRFC 120

2133Mhz : CL9-11-9-28 1T TRFC 140



Here's a shot of a dummy of that infamous DBT testing machine. On the right the goal of this machine : prevent early failure, warrant operating speeds and voltages and binning of ICs.







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