Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB 2666C10 DDR3 Memory Kit Review

Memory by leeghoofd @ 2012-08-30

It has remained relatively quiet at the Corsair RAM department; especially with the launch early this year of Intel's 3rd generation processors, most RAM manufacturers had an entire dedicated Ivy Bridge lineup ready. Their high end versions warranting exhilarating speeds of 2400mhz and beyond. Best off all, these kits are not limited for benching purposes only, but also perfectly suitable for daily usage. American RAM giant Corsair however seemed to be more focused on power supplies, AIO liquid cooling solutions and their rapidly expanding SSD and case market, a real disappointment for the enthusiast RAM fans, as everyone was dreaming of another stellar RAM kit alike their infamous GTX2 Hyper based Dominator kit. Enthusiasts have been sitting on their hunger for a new breed of high end Corsair DIMMS. However a new wave of gorgeous looking RAMs is coming our way in the shape of the Dominator Platinum series. Is this the turn of the tide for the in Fremont California based RAM manufacturer ?

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The brand new Corsair Platinum series continue on the legacy of the Corsair high end series. Instead of reusing the typical Dominator GTX red and black look, Corsair decided it was about time for a major esthetical overhaul, and boy these sticks sport a killer look. The black heatspreader design in combination with a LED illuminated aluminium chrome top bar make these new Platinums truely stand out from the crowd. The box design is also a big step forward from the typical blister or cardboard versions Corsair previously tended to use.




The 4 x 4Gb Dimms are well protected by it's flashy box. Each Dimm inside a small blister package to avoid scratches, dust collection and probably the most important: drooling fluids from the PC shoppers.



It has to be noted that these Platinums are NOT intended to be the new high end enthusiast series from Corsair; there's more to come soon at that level, seeing the daylight in probably a new GTX range (why oh why did we have to wait soo long ?). The Platinum series are designed to be the perfect harmony between looks, bling bling, performance and reliability. The Platinum line up looks like this:



High out of the box frequencies and all sorts of different volumes are adressed in the new Platinum lineup. Too bad there are no 8GB kits for the 2400 and 2666Mhz frequencies, as this would drastically reduce the cost of these kits. But 489 dollars for the high end kit 16GB 2666C10 version seems justified, if it performs adequately :)

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