Toshiba FlashAir Class10 Wi-Fi SD Card Review

Storage/Other by stefan @ 2014-01-16

The FlashAir Wi-Fi SDHC from Toshiba is available in different capacities of 8GB, 16GB or 32GB, features a well-developed interface for easy access from both our PC and mobile devices without the need of using an extra app and is also built with the Internet Pass Thru functionality for being able to browse the web while being connected to the newly connected network.

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Product Features, Specifications

Product Features:


Wireless data transfer function

Wireless data transfer of the data stored on the FlashAir™ SD Card. Any kind of data stored on FlashAir™ can be read and transferred by using standard WLAN communication. For example photos taken with digital cameras can be transferred by wireless communication to a PC, smartphone or Tablet PC.

Easy Wireless setting

It is easily possible to set up the connection from PC and smartphone.

Low power consumption

Wireless function is switched ON only when necessary to prevent wasteful power consumption of the battery.

Multiple Connections

Data sharing by multiple connections simultaneously. The Access Point created by FlashAir™ can be accessed by several remote hosts at the same time.


Product Specifications:




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