MSI/Informatique OC Academy featuring HWinfo Pro OC Team

Tradeshow & OC events by leeghoofd @ 2014-04-03

Sponsored OC venues are getting more and more popular; Belgian shop started this trend in the Low Lands in 2011 with the first OC Academy. The initial concept was to introduce people to the hobby of overclocking; via the knowledge of the MadShrimps crew, the attendees got initiated in the quest of more MHz Though it quickly expanded to the more extreme form of overclocking and even went international one time. Overclockers are still being used by the hardware manufacturers for highlighting the durability, quality of components and versatility of their products. Last weekend the brand new Hardware.Info Pro OC team was present at the huge shop of Informatique in the Netherlands; joining forces with MSI and this should be an ideal cocktail for new records.

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Initial Preparations

Before continuing with the event coverage a quick word on the present overclockers: the brand new Hardware.Info team consists out of three dutch overclockers: Nedernakker (Bauke Caspers), Oldscarface (Roger Kortenhoeven) and Rsnubje (Joost Verhelst) and one belgian waffle, myself Leeghoofd. All are Liquid Nitrogen purists and the shared knowledge should allow this team to compete with other big names in the HWBOT PRO CUP. This league is to overclocking what the Champions league is to UEFA, featuring some of the best overclockers they strive to beat world records by using the latest high tech hardware and extreme cooling methods. Divided in teams of maximum five members, the Pro OC teams get five different challenges per round of three months. At the end of the round, the team with the best results is declared winner.

Back to the event now, place to be was the Informatique Computer shop in Berkel Rodenrijs in the Netherlands.




Maurice from Informatique prepared our bench corner with direct access to the coffee machine, good move man!

The HWInfo Pro OC team got in early to prepare two setups for liquid nitrogen; special thing is that both were featuring LN2 cooled graphics cards in an SLI configuration.  This is one of the few occasions where a vendor allows to cool down their graphics cards, kudos MSI. What better card to use then then MSI's fab Lightning series.






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