Pivos XIOS XS Entertainment Center Review

Others/All-in-one PC by stefan @ 2014-10-29

The upgrade to the previous XIOS DS is now baptized XIOS XS and features a notably faster dual-core processor at 1.5GHz, 1GB RAM, a dual-core internal GPU at 500Mhz and also 8GB of internal NAND for storing the applications. The box is set to launch a customized XBMC release with an easy to use skin which can be always reverted to default and additional software can be always installed from the Google Play Store.

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At first we would like to thank Pivos for offering a sample of their XIOS XS Entertainment Center for testing and reviewing.



About Pivos:


“We are a global pioneer in media peripherals and embedded technologies founded by a group of industrial veteran and renowned platform developers in Fremont, California. We set to challenge the curve of our conversation with today’s technology to breathe innovation, performance, creativity and human engineering. With over decades of combined industrial experiences and award winning development team, our company is committed to provide a full line of embedded digital solutions where computing technology joins today’s rich internet contents.”


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