BAPCo TabletMark v3 Benchmark Presentation

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2015-01-15

The new TabletMark benchmark from BAPCo is one interesting software each hardware enthusiast should check out, which is offered free of charge and thanks to the community the database will grow consistently in order to have comparisons between lots of tablet models which are now present on the market from different manufacturers.

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At first we would like to thank BAPCo for supplying us an iPAD tablet in order to test and review their latest TabletMark v3 software.




About BAPCo:


“A non-profit consortium, BAPCo's charter is to develop and distribute a set of objective performance benchmarks based on popular computer applications and industry standard operating systems. Governments all over the world use BAPCo benchmarks to assist in product purchasing decisions.”


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