Primal Carnage: Extinction Game Review

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2015-11-26

The game needs to be checked out by people which are already bored of zombie games and really want to try something different. The graphics feel a bit dated, but if you like this type of game which is quite fast-paced, it won’t really matter this much; also, by using the older DirectX9 platform, even people with slower systems would be able to enjoy the game at maximum settings, without the need to upgrade. Happy Dino Hunting!

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Thanks to Panic Button, we have recently got hold of a Primal Carnage: Extinction Steam copy to take a look. This title holds Panic Button Games as the developer, while Circle 5 Studios is the publisher. Just recently the game was also launched for the PS4 platform and we have made an announcement at that specific date in the news section of the MadShrimps website.



About Panic Button:


"When all is said and done, we like to do great work with great partners. This creates tremendous opportunities in the diversity and flexibility of projects we do as a studio.


Founded in 2007 by industry veterans, Panic Button is a video game studio doing a bunch of diverse work (console through mobile), and we're growing. At our core, we're a reputation-based studio that takes on challenging work, and we deliver on our commitments.


We have a solid history as an agile game developer specializing in co-development, ports, full game production, and original IP.


We have great relationships with the massive talent pool available locally and around the world, and that lets us grow quickly to meet project needs.


In our previous lives, we've worked on multiple titles (from Turok to Disney Epic Mickey) on multiple platforms (including current consoles, mobile platforms, and the next generation).


We are registered developers for Apple, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. We work with several partners, including Microsoft Studios, BioWare, and Twisted Pixel.


We use a wide range of internal tech solutions and licensed middleware packages, tailored to suit the needs of our partners, budgets, and projects.


Panic Button is located in Austin, Texas."


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