Walton Chaintech APOGEE AstroDrive 16GB USB Flash Drive Review

Storage/Other by stefan @ 2010-06-12

Walton Chaintech, a company which manufactures lots of products like SSDs, Memory Modules, Memory Cards and Graphics Cards, does also produce Flash Drives. The AstroDrive 266X I have received for review is the smallest in the series, maroon colored. The flash drive has very good performances right out of the box, but Walton Chaintech also included a special utility on the drive to boost the performance even more.

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Inside the box

The USB Flash Drive named AstroDrive from Walton Chaintech comes in a transparent plastic package; on its frontal part we can see the product itself, its capacity, the fact that it is a USB 2.0 Flash Drive and comes with a 2-year warranty:

Madshrimps (c)

On the back of the package, we can see a product description in multiple languages, the features and supported operating systems:

Madshrimps (c)

The flash drive has a protective cap which preserves the same colors as the rest of the drives' body; on the frontal part we can see the APOGEE logo along with the flash drives' name and its capacity:

Madshrimps (c)

On the other side of the drive, we can see only the metallic paint, without any inscriptions:

Madshrimps (c)

The bottom of the flash drive has a hole through which we can install a lanyard, which is not included in the package:

Madshrimps (c)

If we remove the protective cap, we can see on the USB connector the capacity of the flash drive and a serial number:

Madshrimps (c)

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