Asus Crosshair 4 Extreme,Rampage Gene III Preview @ Asus NL HQ

Motherboards/AMD AM3 by leeghoofd @ 2010-05-28

The Shrimps and other media were kindly invited to the lovely town of Utrecht in the Netherlands last week for the Asus Tech Conference. Head of Marketing and sales mister Wu Josh was present to present the latest two creations from Asus : the Crosshair 4 Extreme and the Rampage Gene III. Later on Milan Rado went a bit deeper regarding the high end Asus VGA cards. This is gonna be a quick preview of the two boards and the already leaked ROG Expander for the Rampage III Extreme.

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ROG Expander board

ROG Expander

Finally we got the ROG Expander in our hands for the first time. Early pictures were leaked a few weeks ago and the Nordics have been benching on the board last week with pretty good results. Linkie here : ASus ROG Expander board benched !!

It was at first called ROG Dude, or Dud in this case as this was a non working press sample :) Asus explained us that the NFcorce 200 chipset was not a MUST for their X58 flagship the Rampage Extreme III. Albeit the NF200 causes a minor performance drop compared to non equipped boards and adds a hefty price tag. So they preferred it to be an option as it would only be a solution for benchers only. Sadly it will remain a benchers only board as it will be difficult to be used inside a case. Question about a Future REX II with NF200 onboard was left unanswered...

Here are some extracts of the presentation:

You tube video of the ROG Dude:

We talked to Mister Wu about using this expander on other brands and or other Asus boards. Theoretical it should be possible but probably a chip on the expander board requires an Asus product to work... If ever we get a sample of this Asus 4 way SLI enabler we will try to find it out for you...

Madshrimps (c)

For the VGA's not much new to report. The ARES card will go into production with some slight modifications, still no word on limited availability like with the MARS cards. It all depends on demand and the availability of the GPU chips.

Madshrimps (c)
5870 Matrix card was present too
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