ASRock P55 Deluxe3 S1156 Motherboard Review

Motherboards/Intel S1156 by stefan @ 2010-07-13

ASRock have redesigned their ´old´ P55 series to include SATA III and USB 3.0 and this way they made them future proof, at least in terms of connectivity; the performance of the P55 Deluxe3 board is decent and has no problem at all reaching 4GHz with an i5 750 CPU.

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The P55 Deluxe3 motherboard from ASRock comes in a nice designed cardboard box, with a handle; on the frontal part we can see the company logo, some icons that describe the supported CPUs and the included chipset; in the center, the “True 333” technology logo can be seen which means that this board features USB 3.0, SATA3 and also eSATA3, but also the motherboard name; further down, we can see listed some of the included software bundle with is mainly composed from some trials; finally, we can see some icons that describe the supported technologies, but also the Turbo Boost Monitor widget from Intel:

Madshrimps (c)

On the back of the box, we can see a photo of the board with some explanations along with many of the board features; on the bottom, we can see the description of the included ASRock applications, and the full product specifications:

Madshrimps (c)

The inside of the box has two layers; on the top part we can find the bundle, along with the manuals and installation CD and on the bottom, the actual motherboard can be found:

Madshrimps (c)

In the box, we can find as a bundle:

-4 SATA cables
-one I/O shield
-two SATA to Molex power adapters
-one Installation CD
-UATA100 and floppy cables
-a SLI bridge
-an Installation manual

Madshrimps (c)

The Installation manual is written in multiple languages, with a lot of explanations and drawings, to assure that no errors will be made, no matter the experience level of the user:

Madshrimps (c)

At the end of the manual, we can even find the POST codes, which will help us identify any problem that may appear during boot-up:

Madshrimps (c)

The motherboard is located in the second layer of the box and is protected inside an anti-static bag:

Madshrimps (c)

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Comment from Oery @ 2010/07/15
Regarding your Asrock P55 Deluxe3 review;
I'm just curious:
1. Your board have Bios v1.41, mine still v1.40. I can't find v1.41 at Asrock site. Please send me download link to latest Bios.
2. I can't pass Burn In Test at 4.0GHz. Stable only at 3.6GHz. My cooler is Thermolab Bada in Azza Helios 910 cage. If you don't mind, can you post all Bios Setting or send me your OC DNA.
I apologized for my English...... and thanks for great review.
Comment from Stefan Mileschin @ 2010/07/15
Dear Oery,

The board I have tested was sent by ASRock with the BIOS 1.41, I did not downgrade with the version on the internet, but I am very sure they will upload even a newer version that I did the tests on.

Overclocking is also very dependent on how good your CPU is. Mine was stable at VCore 1.38 and CPU VTT 1.3. I have also set the VMem at 1.65.

Be sure to set the option "Without VDrop" in the BIOS and leave the CPU Thermal Throttling on Enabled, disable SpeedStep and so on.

Many thanks for the appreciation regarding the review.



