Tones Overclocking Day - LN2 Overclocking Academy

Tradeshow & OC events by leeghoofd @ 2010-08-17

Saturday 14th August 2010. A Day that would make one person attending the Tones OC Academy a wealthy man. This event being sponsored by Tones, Asus, Corsair and Intel. 6 lucky winners from the Madshrimps competition entered the arena to compete with 4 other winners from the Tones compo. Main price was an amazing hardware combo consisting of a Rampage III Extreme, Intel i930 CPU, 6Gb of Corsair ram and an Intel SSD. To top it all off a full copy of Windows 7.

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Let the pictures speak for themselves

OC Academy

On Friday me and PJ aka Massman, went to Tones to setup the platforms for the Tones OC Academy. All setups were based on the Rampage Extreme III motherboards, a wide variety of Intel I7 CPU's, going from Entry level i930 to even a brand-new i970 CPU. Corsair provided the RAMS, PSU's and Air Cooling equipment. Tones backed us up with extra Triple ram kits and the Corsair H70 water-cooling unit. We decided to build 2 Air cooling setups (one single fan and one Dual fan A70 ), two H70 cooled setups and one high end water-cooling setup. Fully stuffed with EK Waterblocks goodies ( Thanks Eddie and Gregor ). This to clearly show the different OC capabilities possible with different types of cooling.

Without wasting any more of your precious time, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Madshrimps (c)

Massman teasing Thomas aka Pt1t (like always)

Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)

One of the air cooled setups. Dual fan combo on the A70, trying to cool down an OC'ed i975 CPU. This puppy was bench stable in Vantage at 4.5GHz and provided some nice scores with single and SLI GTX 470's

Madshrimps (c)

Another example of one of the setups, this time a Corsair H70 doing the cooling duties. The benchers were surprised how hot the ATI 5970 got during the Vantage runs

Madshrimps (c)

Karel Jan (on the left) and Rikske getting down in the nasty world of overclocking. Pretty fast learners as after a few hours they got the hang of it. This accounts for all the attendees at the event. Kudos to you all!!

Madshrimps (c)

Master Joda Gamer introducing the wonders of preparing an LN2 setup. Seemed he was a natural at passing the tools of the trade as his team spanked all of us during the Vantage runs. Or was it done by using illegal software :p ?

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Comment from Massman @ 2010/08/11
First pre-testing done:

Hey boys and girls,

Are you ready?

Zonet even snel de setup getest om te zien of alles werkt. Op een PSU na, geen ENKEL probleem gehad ... super dus! VGA kaarten waren nog volledig stock (koeling én clocks); kwestie van nog iets in petto te hebben zaterdag, hé 8)
Comment from dafour @ 2010/08/12
Ziet het volledig zitten
Comment from Teemto @ 2010/08/12
Same here.
a.k.a. Pascal Michiels
Comment from Gamer @ 2010/08/12
Dan zien we jullie daar zaterdag !

Proficiat aan de winnaars.
Comment from Kareljan @ 2010/08/13
hurray kan al niet wachten
Comment from DyNaRaX @ 2010/08/14
Het was plezant.

Thx mannen
Comment from Teemto @ 2010/08/14
Great to see the guys live. Definately needs a sequel (with more willing 4-way SLI). :-)
Comment from leeghoofd @ 2010/08/14
Glad you guy sliked it, some already knew the ropes of I7 OC'ing. Which infact is pretty simple with I7 reaching 4-4.2Ghz...

Thansk to the Sponsors again :, Asus (Milan and Rogier), Intel and Corsair...

Hope to repeat a sortlike event next year...

Small article, with some piccies is in progress...
Comment from Gamer @ 2010/08/14
I had a great time, thanks all !!
Comment from Azzaro™ @ 2010/08/15
Indeed, it was a great experience! Thanks for the fun guys!
Comment from dafour @ 2010/08/15
Tones oc academy was a big succes,thx to all the people made this possible.
It was very cool to see some people irl.The ln2 was amazing too see !
Maybe next time a compo with some Dirt2 (guys from asus )
Yesterday was of the best days i've encountered since my first trackday.

*upload pics
Some pictures > all here
Comment from wutske @ 2010/08/15
Next year, I'll be there

Too bad I didn't make it this year
Comment from Massman @ 2010/08/15
It was really cool to meet people who are interested in extreme overclocking, but are not doing it at the moment. It took me back years ago when I was in the same position. I really hope all the people involved had a good time and are getting more interested in the overclocking-thing.

Thanks to ASUS and TONES for hosting the event!
Comment from wutske @ 2010/08/15
lol, en de Jelle steekt er weer nen halve kop bovenuit
Comment from piotke @ 2010/08/15
Milan changed
Comment from jmke @ 2010/08/15
serieus Gamer, sandalen met sokken?
die bompa referenties waren maar graptjes hé, ge moet dat zo serieus niet opnemen!
Comment from Gamer @ 2010/08/15
Tja, als je voeten open liggen moet je iets doen niet ?

Bedankt om het op te merken.
Comment from dafour @ 2010/08/16
Aha zo weet ik dus nu wie Gamer is.
Nogmaals bedankt voor de info!
Comment from Massman @ 2010/08/16
Not Gamer.

It's "Uncle Gamer"
Comment from Gamer @ 2010/08/16
Tja, jongeren hé, wat kan je er mee doen.....
Comment from wutske @ 2010/08/16
Originally Posted by Gamer View Post
Tja, jongeren hé, wat kan je er mee doen.....
overclock wijsheid overbrengen
Comment from Massman @ 2010/08/16
Van jong naar oud, bedoel je?

Comment from roelientjeL @ 2010/08/18
Heren, mijn verslag staat ook inmiddels online. Ik heb op het eind een link gezet naar het verslag hier op Madshrimps. Zouden jullie ook een linkje willen zetten in jullie verslag naar het mijne? bedankt ! (zou iemand dit ook even op het Tones forum kunnen melden, dankjewel!)

Oja, als je een fout ontdekt, gewoon even melden, dan pas ik het wel aan
Comment from piotke @ 2010/08/18
Vergeet natuurlijk Asus niet bij de sponsoren
Comment from roelientjeL @ 2010/08/19
Staat erbij hoor
De logo's van de sponsors zijn gehotlinked naar andere websites. Als je even niks ziet, ligt het aan die website (CTRL+F5).
Comment from DyNaRaX @ 2010/08/20
Originally Posted by roelientjeL View Post
Heren, mijn verslag staat ook inmiddels online. Ik heb op het eind een link gezet naar het verslag hier op Madshrimps. Zouden jullie ook een linkje willen zetten in jullie verslag naar het mijne? bedankt ! (zou iemand dit ook even op het Tones forum kunnen melden, dankjewel!)

Oja, als je een fout ontdekt, gewoon even melden, dan pas ik het wel aan
Ik zal het even op het Tones forum posten
Comment from leeghoofd @ 2010/08/22
Added linkie to the article Roel, but only if you show us a picture of Lientje

If someone else took pictures plz share them. So we can add these to the article('s)

Thx Alby
Comment from roelientjeL @ 2010/08/22
Originally Posted by leeghoofd View Post
What is Lientje?
Comment from leeghoofd @ 2010/08/22
One moment : your nick name Roelientje --> at first I thought you were female lol --> Then someone told me your real name was Roel :

Possible Options for my brains :

1) so either your family name is Ientje or Lientje
2) or your girlfriend's name is Lientje
3) or you just made your name up
4) Share the piccies all
Comment from roelientjeL @ 2010/08/23
Why roelientjeL ? I just used some random letters to create this name, haha!
Comment from jmke @ 2010/08/23
Well enough explained?
too much info
Comment from roelientjeL @ 2010/08/23
hehe, fixed it
Comment from jmke @ 2010/08/23
I was joking Roel...
Comment from roelientjeL @ 2010/08/23
Haha, ok I'll re-spam it!

Well... about eight years ago I had this group of friends and we all had nicknames. Guess what, my nickname was Roelientje, lol. So I made my first msn adress with roelientje, but it was already taken so I added this letter 'L' (I still don't know why this letter, it has nothing to do with my surname).

Ever since then I used this weird name. If you can come up with something better, go ahead! Until then, I'll use this name and accept te fact that people think I'm either a man-lover or a female (or just someone nuts).

Neither of those things is true, btw.

Well enough explained?
Comment from leeghoofd @ 2010/08/24
Comment from roelientjeL @ 2010/08/24
You guys are nuts...
Comment from dafour @ 2010/08/30
Just noticed something,the picture used for the article about tones oc academy,the one with everyone on it,its one i took,but i'm not on it
Comment from leeghoofd @ 2010/08/30
was that done intentionally ? or ?

Never had the pictures of Manu from Tones... hoping we can do another demo like this. This was heaps of fun...



