Z{DOCKS} AV{DOCK} iPod & iPhone Audio-Video Dock Review

Audio/Others by jmke @ 2010-09-22

This Audio-Video Dock from the aptly named Z{DOCKS} company combines form and function with this feature rich and good looking docking station for Apple´s media players (iPods) and phones (iPhones).

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A Closer Look & Installation

A Closer Look

The AV{DOCK} is not a lightweight docking, it won’t move/slide around easily thanks to its weight and anti-slip rubber at the bottom.

Madshrimps (c)

Above the “SIEBEN technology” logo you can see the IR receiver;

Madshrimps (c)

At the bottom there’s a connection for USB charger cable, gold plated composite video/audio connectors as well as s-video out.

The remote control is quite small as there only a few functions available, the most essential ones for audio playback: next/previous, play & pause:

Madshrimps (c)

There’s nothing much further to it visually wise, the device is easy to install, after hooking up your audio and video cables you are good to go.

Testing Gear & Plugging In Your iPod/iPhone

For our tests we had access to two Apple products:

Madshrimps (c)
iPod Classic 160GB

Madshrimps (c)
iPhone 3G 8Gb

Apple products are pretty good looking, to keep them somewhat scratch free we use snap on cases, either from hard plastic or soft rubber:

Madshrimps (c)
iPod Classic 160GB with soft rubber case cover

Madshrimps (c)
iPhone 3G 8Gb with hard plastic case cover

This is where a small annoyance roars its head, with the case covers applied you can’t get them to fit into the AV{DOCK}, this is not the first accessory to exhibit this issue, as there are plenty of hands-free car kit and other docks which build to fit the exact Apple product and not a millimeter bigger in size.

Madshrimps (c)
iPod Classic 160GB

Madshrimps (c)
iPhone 3G 8Gb

Once you remove the cover the problem goes away instantly; depending on how easily your case cover is applied this hurdle is a small or big one. With our choice of covers we found the rubber cover to be more resilient to being removed/installed, the plastic cover started to show some usage signs after several removals/installations.

Madshrimps (c)
iPod Classic 160GB

Madshrimps (c)
iPhone 3G 8Gb

A few months we bought another dock which is only meant for iPod and only has audio (by default) out; it’s less fancy, but the device has no issue fitting iPod with/without case:

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Onto the usage tests ->
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Comment from jmke @ 2014/02/05
a small Z-Dock made for 30-pin apple devices , now lives on with a €2.5 braided lightening cable and some filing action



