MadShrimps Meeting Maart [MMM]

Others/Miscelleneous by jmke @ 2002-04-01

Report of the Madshrimps meeting on 12th March 2002. With sponsoring of Wallabie we were able to give it a try.. a try to get the highest 3Dmarkscore. But not everything went as planned...

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Enermax Mod

Enermax 350W EG365AX-VE

When he was through with the Geforce3 he started to look around for other stuff to mod. It didn't last long before he had Calantak's Enermax opened up:

Somewhere we have to attach a variable resistor.

Resistor #282 according to some sources, this one should be altered.

with small pliers and solder pen he removed the "old" resistor

front and backside of the pcb.

The endresult, now the 5v rail can be adjusted up to a stable 5.3v!

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