Primecooler PC-HDB SuperSilent passive HDD Cooler

Cooling/VGA & Other Cooling by piotke @ 2004-04-13

RRRrrrzzssttttrrrrcccrrrr, that?s the beginning of the end. Hard disk failure. Then you go check the temperature of your hard disk... Arf ! This could have been avoided. Today madshrimps is testing a Hard disk cooling solution, which might extend the life span of your disks.

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The cooling


This is basically the most important part from the cooling, one big heatsink.


Installing the passive cooling is really piece of cake. Place your hard disk on the black heatsink and screw it tight. And finally increase the pressure of the heatsink on the HD by the use of 4 springs. Thanks to this the heatsink will be settled in a perfect position on top of the hard disk.

Than place the entire unit in an empty 5.25” bay and you’re done! But watch out, if you want to use the optional fan solution you have to place this heatsink as far as possible into the case otherwise the fans won’t fit.

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)


This is the active part about the cooling. The two 40mm fans create a significant enough airflow to cool down the heatsink and thus the hard disk. A removable front grill with dust filter makes sure no dirt will enter your case and it’s easy to clean out.

The fans look a little bit like Delta’s on the outside … which might be a forewarning when it comes to noise generation.

The package says:


Super silent ? Not at all ! 40 mm high rpm fans can’t be


Also very easy. Screw the bracket in front of the heatsink; watch out for the power cable, not to squeeze it between the case and the unit itself, and hook up the pass-through molex to your PSU.

Madshrimps (c)

Side look, watch out for these cables while installing...

Madshrimps (c)

Dual fans:
Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Removable grill:
Madshrimps (c)

And removed...
Madshrimps (c)

Fan in close up:
Madshrimps (c)

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