AMD A64 S754 Memory timings explored on nForce3 150

Memory by piotke @ 2004-04-15

On an nForce2 based platform it was proven that that CL2 2-2-5 was not the fastest setting for your ram, in fact CL2 2-2-11 was! But what about the new A64 S754 , does it show the same anomality when combined with the nForce3 150? Is the famous CL2 2-2-5 back? Does Cas Latency influence performance a lot? Let?s find out

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Test setup & settings

The test setup :

Test setup
CPU AMD Athlon 64 3000+
Mainboard Shuttle AN50R
Memory 1 * 256 Mb pc3500 Corsair BH-5
VGARadeon 9700 Pro

Both CPU and Radeon were running at stock speeds. Memory was always sync with the HTT speed @ 200 Mhz.

I also wanted to test some Cas 3 settings but couldn't find any memory that wanted to run at those setting on my Shuttle. Although the sticks I tested were capable of running CL3 on other mainboards.

The different memory timings in this test:

  • CL2 2-2-5
  • CL2.5 2-2-5

  • CL2 2-2-11
  • CL2.5 2-2-11

  • CL2 2-4-11
  • CL2.5 3-3-7
  • CL2.5 4-4-8

    I haven't taken a snapshot from CPU-Z with every possible setting, but to give you an idea of what these numbers above represent, behold this screenshot:

    Madshrimps (c)

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