Vantec Tornado and NXP-205 Multi Fan Controller Review

Modding/Small Mods by piotke @ 2004-12-11

If you want extreme performance from your air cooled system then this Tornado fan might be what you need. The generated noise is equally extreme, that?s why Vantec recommends the use of a fan controller; In this review we take a look at the NXP-205 fan controller used in combination with their high CFM CPU/Case fan.

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Vantec NXP-205

Today I'll take a look at two goodies from Vantec which are meant to be used together, as you will see in the review. A 80mm Tornado fan is coupled with a small size, multi fan controller to bring excellent performance, that's the goal at least.

Vantec NXP-205 Multi Fan Controller

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Madshrimps (c)

package contents :
  • 3.5" Fan controller
  • Power pass-through cable
  • 4x 3/4 Pin Universal cables
  • Mounting screws
  • manual (printed on packaging)

    Specifications :
  • Housing Material : Aluminum
  • Max Power per Channel: 18 W
  • Input Voltage: 12 V
  • Output Voltage: 7 V ~ 12 V
  • Output Current: Up to 1.5 A
  • Outline Dimension: 102x25.5c120 mm
  • Weight : 120 g
  • Fits in a standard 3.5" Drive bay

    The package also states following quote:

    Great for Vantec Tornado or other high CFM fans

    *bling* *bling* excellent, what a coincidence that I also received such a fan huh ? :)

    The design is very simple but effective. Four turn buttons which can regulate four fans by changing the supplied voltage within 7-12V range. The finishing is excellent; just take a look at the pictures.

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    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)

    Let's take a (slightly) closer look at the electronics inside. On the backside you can see the different connections. The Molex connector provides the power input for the fan controller. The four fan plugs take care of the output. You can extend these connections by using the included cables. That way you can also control fans which have only a Molex connector. This is a common thing with more powerful fans, such as the Vantec Tornado.

    The Molex connection on these fans is due to the higher power usage. These fans just draw to much power to connect directly to the main board. A pity that the supplied cables have no pass-through for connecting them to the mainboard (for rpm monitoring), but you can't have everything.

    On the third picture you can see that the buttons aren't individually lighted, there are a series of blue LEDs shining directly on a piece of transparent plastic. This is used as background and the light is divided evenly over the buttons.

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    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)

    The blue LEDs create a very nifty look, just look at the pictures below. The first is with normal light, the second is made in a semi-dark room and the last one is made in a completely darkened room.

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    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)

    The NXP-205 does its job perfectly, the only (very) small disadvantage I encountered has to do with a small delay which occurs when changing the speed of a fan from the minimum to the maximum setting (or back), it didn't bother me much, and depending on what you are used to won't even be an issue at all.

    Onto the Vantec Tornado fan ->
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