Aerocool HT-102 CPU Cooler Review

Cooling/CPU Cooling by piotke @ 2005-11-08

Heatpipes and led fans seem to be a trend. The only way to be different is performance and price wise. Today we are testing the Aerocool HT-102 CPU cooler. What are its chances against some well known heatsinks?

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Aerocool makes cool products! When you take a look at their website you can see a variety of products, but most of them have a special touch. For a company that exists only 5 years, they have already achieved a lot.

AeroCool Advanced Technologies (AAT) is founded in 2001 and is committed to share our technical expertise and innovative design in providing total-solution for thermal management. AAT offers the latest cooling technology and solution for industrial and personal computers. Our strengths lie in our R&D abilities, advance manufacturing facilities, strong cooperative partners and high performance and unique products.

AAT has developed new thermal plans to OEM and ODM business worldwide. Our engineering and R&D staffs specialize in airflow analysis, material conductivity, heat transfer technology and efficiency design. AAT not only has expertise in cooler technology and product design, but we also plays a vital role in the enhancement of production efficiency and marketing analysis. We are constantly developing new products and technology to meet market demands and to generate new markets for our thermal products.

Product differentiation, to stand out. ITC Multimedia sent us the Aerocool HT-102 CPU which also seems to follow this strategy.

This cooler comes in a High Quality packaging. That's the first thing that caught my attention.

Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)
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Fan specifications
  • 4x UV LEDs
  • Dimension: 92x92x25mm
  • Air Flow: 37.00 CFM
  • Speed: 1,800 RPM
  • Noise: 20.62 dBA

    Heatsink specifications
  • Tube: Dia. 8mm x 3
  • Fin: 132(H)x105(L)x58(W)mm
  • Total 35 Copper fins
  • Cooler Weight 680g
  • AMD: Athlon XP 3600+ and higher , Athlon 64 / Intel: P4 socket 478 3.8Ghz and higher, LGA 775

    Complete information can be found on the manufacturers' web site.

    With a nice variety of clips, screws etc. this cooler can be installed on every common used socket.

    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)
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    The three heatpipes and the 35 copper fins make this cooler quit heavy. Besides that the heatsink is compact and feels massive.

    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)
    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)
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    To install the cooler no mainboard removal is required… although I would recommend doing that. Installing the heatsink isn't very difficult. Just choose the right clips and place them into the correct position, and secure the heatsink.

    Now to get the fan on the heatsink, that’s a bit trickier. You can't install the heatsink on the mainboard inside a case and then screw the fan on it. There just isn't enough room to use a screwdriver for the lowers two screws.

    Attaching the fan onto the heatsink before installing the heatsink is a great idea. But sadly is not possible. The fan is positioned over the mounting bracket. So you can't do that either. So you're indirectly forced to remove the mainboard out of your case and do the installation there.

    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)
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    And blue LEDs are a must have nowadays...

    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)
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    Let’s see how it performs ->
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