MC-001 - Melvine Rheobus action

Modding/Small Mods by jmke @ 2003-01-14

I was looking for a way to silence this loud 90mm fan I?ve installed in one of my PC?s, The guys over at Melvine (Casemodding Shop) send me a small device and told me this was the solution to my problem. Does it reduce the noise , or am I forever doomed to listen to the whining of my fan? Let?s find out...

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Intro + Features

Madshrimps (c)


Today I´m looking at a small item the people of Melvine send me. A rheobus , ready to be installed into your system to control fans, CCFL´s and other 12V appliances. The device ships in a small box and is wrapped in “bubble”-plastic so it was in mint condition when it arrived at my doorstep. There is a sticker on the box with a small picture of what is inside and an URL where you can find the manual.

The manual is very good and explains every step in detail. Too bad it is only available in Dutch, but even by just looking at pictures the installation is straight forward and all a bit self explanatory!

Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)


The MC-001 has the following features:
- Operates at 12V
- Step less adjustment by using a variable resistance
- Build-in over voltage & short-circuit protection
- Max output voltage: 12V (untaxed) – 11.5V (3W taxed) – 11V (12W taxed)
- Min output voltage is selectable with a jumper, you can choose between 0 – 4.3 – 6.5 – 8V
- Build-in kick-start for the fans, so they speed up reliably

The jumper is a really good addition to the rheobus concept, this feature makes it possible to use it with different types of fans (cause not all fans operate well at lower wattage).

Madshrimps (c)
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