Awards are Worthless - Recommended Tags Instead

Others/Editorials by jmke @ 2007-01-04

Awards have been over-used by the hardware review sites all over the world; they are being given to products no matter if they were good or bad. Today we introduce our reader oriented Recommended Tags, with which we like to stay away from Awards, but do want to give our readers some icons to distinguish excellent products reviewed here.

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Awards are Worthless

Awards are worthless

Being Awarded for actions taken or products delivered is always quite an honor, no matter how small or big the achievement. In hardware review world however the whole Award value system has gone down the drain drastically the last several years.

It goes back to 2004 and before, The Inquirer summed it up perfectly back then:

Hardware sites need to bring credibility to the presentation of awards. Sense and sensibility matter to people spending their hard earned money for products, which is why they read review sites and for that matter review magazines.

Madshrimps (c)

It boils down to the fact that many hardware review sites, big or small, are handing out “Editor Choice Awards” to practically every single piece of hardware they reviewed. Shouldn’t an Award mean that product X stands out from the rest of the contenders, what value does that “Award” title have if it’s being given to every piece of hardware no matter how good/bad it is. Imagine every movie and every actor/actress receiving an Oscar. How special will it be to win an Oscar if that was the case? Exactly: not very special.

If a movie gets an Oscar you can pretty much be sure the movie doesn’t “suck”, it might not be the best movie ever for you, but you’ll know it won’t be a B-rated horrible thing.

How can somebody reading hardware reviews know if the Award handed out to that product is worth something? Since they are being given out freely, they have little value.
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Comment from SuAside @ 2007/01/03
alright, a few thoughts then (not all too pleasant). keep in mind that these are just observations and feelings, not accusations & that i'm only saying it to help.

- you say awards are useless, but to me it looks like a big part of the reason you'll move to this system is that the sponsors will get off your back (no longer whining about awards). afterall, to them, a recommendation is the same as an award. it might not be a big ringer like "best of test" and "editors choice", but "recommended high end" doesn't sound too bad either, does it? in essence, to prevent this, you'll need to make some pretty dang clear rules amongst reviewers to be selective with those recommendations. or you'll end up as the thing you're trying to fight.

- with the abundance of recommendation classes, it pretty much looks like you'll be putting a recommendation on almost everything, except on the stuff that'll cause your pc to implode. this of course might make you a bit more popular for the sponsors (the people that give you hw to review). once again, you'll need to be sparse with it, or you'll loose credebility.

- the recommendations look pretty neat. just the 1+1 i don't really like. sure, it's "easy calculus" and therefore novice, but still. i wonder if something more humorous might not fit in better? (een fopspeen? ^^ although that's probably not classy enough)

- another possible addendum to the logo is to add "Recommended" into the logo itself. so you dont have to write it above & that way producers/sponsors can use the logo itself without extra hassle. example:
High End

i like the initiative, but do realise you're threading on thin ice. so watch your step & take your time. that's better than trying to rush it & do an halfassed job.
Comment from jmke @ 2007/01/03
like we said; these are for the readers; not the mfgrs; I have lots of room on my back, and they can all jump on there without a problem, not doing this to get anybody of my back If that would have been the case, I would not have waited 5 years for this.

the recommended tags are there for the readers, and internally we will discuss heavily to see if a certain piece of hardware deservs it, because yes, we need to avoid putting a tag/logo in every review "just because".

we do have a bit of added variation with bronze/silver logo's, but I personally like to keep things clean & simple;

the logo's are paid & done at this moment; don't really have the skills to get them altered to fix them, the 1+1 is do-able for the purpose I guessed?
Comment from SuAside @ 2007/01/04
Originally Posted by jmke View Post
like we said; these are for the readers; not the mfgrs; I have lots of room on my back, and they can all jump on there without a problem, not doing this to get anybody of my back If that would have been the case, I would not have waited 5 years for this.
the recommended tags are there for the readers, and internally we will discuss heavily to see if a certain piece of hardware deservs it, because yes, we need to avoid putting a tag/logo in every review "just because".
good to hear that affirmed once again.

it's really sad to see that pretty much all the really big sites lately have been involved in one or more mini-scandals over the years.

in the end, i think all sites are "corruptible" up to a certain point. there's little use denying it, but a clear and transparant system can keep most of it at bay. and therein probably lies the power of medium-sized hardwarecommunities, i guess. they are popular enough for manufacturers to bother sending stuff to, but they are small enough not to be sucked into a world of favoritism simply to get that one scoop everyone has been waiting for.

Originally Posted by jmke View Post
we do have a bit of added variation with bronze/silver logo's, but I personally like to keep things clean & simple;
i really wouldnt go for any extra logo's. you already have more than enough. it'd beat the purpose.

Originally Posted by jmke View Post
don't really have the skills to get them altered to fix them, the 1+1 is do-able for the purpose I guessed?
no need to alter them on my account! not just for lil' ol' me
Comment from Rutar @ 2007/01/04
roundups >>> awards

if a company doesn't have the balls to send their product, it won't even pop up on my radar

I also doubt that awards work to sell a product, I doubt that a good product would sell worse if there are no awards on it.

If you want to point out what type of user the product would be good for, do it in the conclusion. The tags only make things more confusing if there is a good conclusion.
Comment from jmke @ 2007/01/04
the tags would be there as addition to the conclusion/recommendation;

they will be very rarely used in roundup tests; unless one product really stands out.

also, please understand that these are not awards, Awards are for the companies/products; the recommended tags are for our readers to help them spot a better than average product

@SuAside: I agree on the silver/bronze logo's, there are enough as it stands now, will think trice before using any of the other ones;

also since the tags are user recommended, we can change/alter/remove/add them depending on user feedback, experience, etc;
Comment from Berry @ 2007/01/06

Biggest problem, is it`s use and it`s limitations.
Time can be the only judge over that, though.
As for it`s use, I`ll probably leave that up to you, just like the final editing.
For all things, there need to be people.
Comment from HitenMitsurugi @ 2007/01/07
only gripe i have is the overlap, what distinguishes performance from high end? etc
it's not really that clear even from the explications provided.
Comment from jmke @ 2007/01/07
Performance can be "or lower end hardware like 7900GS with high OC, or 7300GT with DDR,…"

High End is strictly... high end gear; yes they can co-exist imho, unless "High End is always = Performance". but where does that leave high performance PC6400 memory or 7900GTO ?
Comment from jmke @ 2013/07/29
well well well, look at this:

took them 5 years, but some review sites are actually changing their "useless" awards to something a bit more meaningful !



