Cebit 2007 MAD Coverage Day 1

Tradeshow & OC events by piotke @ 2007-03-21

In our coverage of day 1 at Cebit we share the latest news on products of abit, PNY, Albatron, Antec, Arctic Cooling, Walton Chaintech, CoolIT, Coolermaster, eVGA and FSP Group.

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abit & PNY


At the abit booth we were greeted by a large podium where two system were set up for head to head death matches, Fatality was doing his thing and contestants could win small gear for small kills, up to a complete PC if their name was pulled from the hat.

Madshrimps (c)

The ever popular shootouts, featuring Johnathan “Fatal1ty” Wendel and the F-Players, were an instant hit. Players from the crowd were invited to challenge Fatal1ty himself and earn much sought after prizes from our host. A daily giveaway for a complete Fatal1ty Super-PC system was a huge drawing card and has attracted a lot of attention all throughout CeBIT.

Behind the podium we saw an impressive Chilly1 phase change cooling, which was being operated by Hipro5, unfortunately this monster needed 110V and Abit was unable to get a hold on a sufficient power converter, they mustered only ~750W but needed 2000W :)

Madshrimps (c)

Back to the business of the day, abit had a few promising motherboards on display based on the new Intel P35 chipset which features support for the higher 1333Mhz FSB processors.

Madshrimps (c)Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)

The popular Quad Core ready abit QuadGT board was on display too powered by OCZ PC8500 memory sticks:

Madshrimps (c)


PNY were not present with a separate booth this year but send us a few sneak peeks of their upcoming professional video card range based on the NVIDIA QUADRO(r) FX4600 and FX 5600.

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

These Quadro cards have more than 1gb of onboard memory and are DX10 ready!
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Comment from jmke @ 2007/04/22
some people are not ashamed...

quote from that page:
For several years now, I have been visiting the technology Valhalla in Hannover, and this year was no different. Leaving at 4 am on a cold Saturday morning, I left my cozy home in The Netherlands for a four hour drive. Arriving safely, I settled in comfy seats in front on the entrance, since the doors only opened at 9 am, DUH!
quote from our article:
For several years now the Madshrimps have visited the technology Valhalla in Hannover, and this year was no different. Leaving at 3AM on a cold Thursday morning two crazy shrimp left their cozy homes in Belgium for a five hours drive.Arriving safely they settled in comfy seats in front on the entrance, since the doors only opened at 9AM, DOH!
and then this:

The articles you’ll find on our site are contributed by dozens of authors and contributors. We try to check each article to make sure that they are not copied from another website.
Comment from piotke @ 2007/04/22
You mailed them ?
Comment from Sidney @ 2007/04/22
The last time was a more than a year ago? I couldn't remember exactly.
Comment from jmke @ 2007/04/22
I mailed them, owner of the site removed the article; quick response there.
Comment from AJ. @ 2007/04/23
Wow, got some plagiarism there. I hate it when people take others stuff and try and make it theirs
Comment from sandstorm @ 2007/05/02
Lol, why doesn't this surprise me.



