Silverstone Tundra TD01 External WC Kit Review

Cooling/Water Cooling by piotke @ 2007-11-30

Silverstone introduced a compact external water cooling kit, named the Tundra TD01 a while ago, we stress test this silent cooling solution with a hot running P4 as well as a more eco-friendly Celeron CPU. Does it stand a chance against a high end air cooling setup? We´ll find out.

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More specifications ....

External unit

As the external unit is an important part, we'll take a more detailed look, describing the internal parts and working.

First we see the built in reservoir. It has one tube incoming, and two outgoing that a few centimeters later are combined trough an inversed Y-split. Two pumps are taking care of the flow.

Madshrimps (c)

This bunch of tubes and springs route the flow correctly trough the casing. The unit itself is acting as a radiator, where the cooling liquid goes 3 times trough the casing.

Madshrimps (c)

On the rear side we have the in en outlet from the unit, and a power connection, needed to power the two pumps and the led from the thermometer.

Madshrimps (c)

Internally we find a molex connector, going from the power plug on the rear side to a little PCB. There the power is divided to the two pumps and de the thermometer, using the classic fan headers. Why Silverstone decided to use a molex connector instead of a fixed connection is not really clear, as there's no need for extra power inside the unit.

Madshrimps (c)

Installation; some extra details

In the box we found following items:
  • External unit
  • Water block (+ socket installation + imbus tool)
  • Cooling paste
  • 4 Pieces pre-cut tubing
  • Power cable from computer case to unit
  • Two bottles of cooling liquid
  • PCI rear bracket to pass trough tubing + power
  • Short manual

    The cooling liquid consists of
  • Pure water
  • Anti freeze agent
  • Anti corrosion agent
  • ... and has a blue color.

    Madshrimps (c)

    The PCI bracket has decently indicated where to connect what cable or tube. This is also so on the rear side of the unit.

    Madshrimps (c)

    And this is how it should look when installed.

    Madshrimps (c)

    On to the testing >>>
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