Catalyst 3.2 vs Catalyst 3.1 Performance Report

Others/Miscelleneous by jmke @ 2003-03-15

ATI recently released new Catalyst drivers. One of our readers ran a couple of benchmarks on his Radeon 9000 and shares his experiences!

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Intro + Q3/SS/3D

The system:

ATI Released new drivers and we took them for a spin on the following system:
- Athlon XP1800+
- 768Mb DDR
- Radeon 9000 128Mb
- Windows XP

Download the Catalyst 3.2 driver-suite here

Lets start the benching:

Madshrimps (c)
2fps difference? Error margin. No difference in performance seen here..

Madshrimps (c)
We set the min. value of the graph a bit higher to show you a difference.. otherwise you would have thought they were the same.. no difference here either, remember, these drivers were released for stability and quality updates

Madshrimps (c)
The High quality SS benchmark doesn't show a difference either, how exciting :)

Let's see if the results change when we use Unreal Tournament 2003 for our next set of benchmarks...
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