Jetway 966PDAG-PB Budget S775 Motherboard Review

Motherboards/Intel S775 by piotke @ 2007-08-16

Building a Core 2 Duo based system is becoming more affordable by the minute, today we check out a new motherboard from Jetway based on the Intel P965 chipset and priced well below $100. Can it stand a chance against the newer P35? How high does it overclock? Find out in this review.

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A closer look continued

A closer look continued

On the rear I/O panel we find the Regular PS/2 ports for keyboard and mouse, a serial port, 4 USB 2.0 ports, and RJ45 connector for lan, and the 6 audio plugs for the surround sound.

Madshrimps (c)

On the bottom of the board we find 3 more USB headers, allow connecting up to 6 USB ports. No PCI header is provided, and I still need to find a case that has 6 USB ports. So you'll need to find yourself one or more extra USB/PCI headers.

Madshrimps (c)

Extra features are CPU thermal throttling and fan controlling features:

CPU Thermal Throttling / The Anti-superheated CPU protection Technology

To prevent the increasing heat from damaging of CPU while the activation of the Bi-turbo technology, the CPU Thermal Throttling Technology will make CPU be idling from 87.5% to 12.5% by manually preset CPU operating temperature from 40oC to 90oC. When the system senses the climbing operating temperature of CPU over the value preset, CPU Thermal Throttling Technology will narrow the operating bandwidth of CPU actively to low down the temperature to the value preset as the perfect protection system of hardware dynamic over-clocking technology.

CPU Smart Fan / The Noise Restrained System

It,s never been a good idea to sacrifice the sound effects for gaining the performance you need. CPU Smart Fan Noise Restrained System is the answer to all the noise restrained needed high performance computing system, the system will automatically increase the fan speed when CPU operating loading is high, after the CPU is in normal operating condition, the system will low down the fan speed for the silent operating environment. The system can provide the much longer life cycle for both CPU and the system fans for game use and business requirements.

Madshrimps (c)
Since a few years the 24 pins ATX power supply connection has become standard on the current mainboards. The 8 pins extra power connector can for the moment only be found on higher end boards and server boards. It's good to see that Jetway added this connector to provide optimal power routing to the board. This combined with solid caps (around the socket) should provide stable CPU voltages.

The board features OC-CON high-polymer solid electrolysis aluminium capacitors embedded.

The working temperature is from 55 degrees Centigrade below zero to 125 degrees Centigrade, OC_CON capacitors possess superior physical characteristics that can be while reducing the working temperature between 20 degrees Centigrade each time, intact extension 10 times of effective product operation lives, at not rising degrees Centigrade of working temperatures each time a relative one, life of product decline 10% only too.

Madshrimps (c)

BIOS & overclocking ->
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Comment from Sidney @ 2007/08/16
Decent board for the price; everything seems a bargain lately



