Pantone huey Monitor Color Correction-Calibrator

Others/Miscelleneous by SidneyWong @ 2007-11-11

We all perceive color differently. When you go over to the next cubical or office, you might notice the color display of your peers look different than yours. Which one of the monitors produces the more accurate colors? Maybe Pantone huey can help.

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A short story first -

Whenever we deal with colors, we are dealing with people whom are dealing with troubles. Hardly two persons can come to an agreement of the same interpretation of color. After the husband painted the bathroom from the color his wife has picked, she came in very much upset of the greenish bathroom turned out to be bluish grey. Her smart husband showed her the color sample and color code she had signed off, and showed her the label of the paint matching the color code she had picked. Still, he ended up repainting the bathroom.

How about my sister went to the store and came home with a pair of red shoes only to return them because they were not the same red she saw in the store.

Let's get back to the "huey" from Pantone, a color correction/calibrator for LCD and CRT monitors. Pantone has been around for many years. If you are in graphic arts or marketing, you might have heard of the name or used their products already. The "huey" is priced reasonably at around $70. There are three versions; Basic, Advance and Pro. The review sample is the "basic" unit.

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

A retail type of packaging reveals with hang tag after I took it out of the corrugate box. Looking around Pantone's website, I noticed the units could be purchased from "BEST Buy" chain store. After removing the clamshell plastic, I had to deal with the chipboard which is hot glued, a typical packaging for the mass market today; pain in the you know what.

Madshrimps (c)


  • Software and driver CD
  • Manual
  • Two packs of "Klean"
  • "huey" unit
  • Cradle
  • USB extension card

    The software is in multi-language and supports Windows XP/Vista and Mac O/S. According to Pantone, this is what "huey" does:

    Designed for calibrating and profiling all types of monitors – LCD and CRT. Each individual package includes a huey measurement device (emission only colorimeter) with ambient measurement capabilities, and software for monitor calibration.

    huey corrects the color on your monitor so photos and designs print more accurately, game graphics are more intense and movies are more true–to–life. Easy–to–use right out of the box, huey adapts your monitor for changing room lighting and applies your personal preferences for viewing accurate color all of the time.

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    Comment from Rutar @ 2007/11/11
    Good comparison with the pictures, it pretty much explains why 70$ isn't much more to pay when you buy a 600$ or more Display.
    Comment from Sidney @ 2007/11/12
    It is even a better investment if you have more than one display at your household.



