Danger Den NVIDIA 4101 H20 Water Cooling Kit Review

Cooling/Water Cooling by KeithSuppe @ 2007-12-19

Danger Den is certainly a pioneer in the H20 world, and while they have grown their products, they still retain that attention to detail. They offer so many products at their site it is often better to choose a carefully selected kit. Today we test a true performer, Danger Den NIVIDIA 4101 Water Cooling Kit.

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System Components

DD nVidia 4101 kit

Madshrimps (c)

Other components Danger Den chose for their NVIDIA 4101 water-cooling kit include the following:
  • TDX Universal Block
  • Danger Den D5 Fixed Speed LAING Pump
  • Single 5 1/4 Bay reservoir
  • 1/2" ID Tygon Tubing
  • Black Ice Xtreme Radiator
  • MCT Non-Conductive Coolant
  • Yate Loon Medium 120mm Fan (we received Sunon KD1212, Danger Den has since found a superior model)
  • Miscellaneous Hardware

    Madshrimps (c)

    12V-D5 which is sourced from LAING Thermotech as the D5-38 Vario pump. Just below chart taken from LAING Thermotech.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)

    One particular component in any water-cooling system which will have a large impact on temperature is the radiator. This is where thermal energy carried from the water block is dissipated into the atmosphere. Danger Den chose the and how effective the radiator is at its job Black Ice Xtreme for this purpose.

    Madshrimps (c)

    It may be debatable if you’re looking to make an immediate improvement in your system which will have the greater effect, the radiator fan or radiator itself. From personal experience I found experimenting with fans is not only less costly, it has a greater impact on temp. Danger Den chose the Sunon KD1212PTB 1-6A, DC 12V, 4.8W operating at 90CFM and a 44dBA SPL.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Danger Den supplied a 32oz bottle of Midwest Cooling Technologies mct-5 coolant with this kit. I've been using the product on and off for years and find it does offer an inclusive fluid as opposed to mixing distilled water, an anti-algae product and Water Wetter.

    Madshrimps (c)

    I've taken the liberty of re-printing some of MCT's mct-5 product claims:
  • *Non-Conductive - Conductivity tested at 4e10 Ohms/meter
  • Freezing point is -5° Fahrenheit (-20° Celsius)
  • Prevents algae growth
  • Pre-mixed and ready to use
  • Contains lubricating properties helping pump life
  • Prevents galvanic corrosion
  • Safe on plastic, rubber, seals copper, brass, aluminum, steel, and gaskets
  • Incorporates anti-foaming properties

    Everything you would hope a pre-mixed cooling fluid would offer. Insofar as electrical conductivity MCT states:

    * MCT -40 and MCT-5 are not likely to cause damage to operating pc boards powered at 12 volts or less. It is not to be exposed to power supply input voltage or components in the power supply unit...

    Danger Den has been selling MCT for sometime and I reviewed the product twice, once after a long term leak where the fluid had been dripping into my PCIe slot and onto the card. My video card actually survived although the product literally baked on and began to corrode a few SMD connects.

    Onto the installation and fill/bleed tests ->
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